99 Homes

99 Homes

By Ramin Bahrani

  • Genre: Thriller
  • Release Date: 2015-09-25
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 52min
  • Director: Ramin Bahrani
  • Production Company: Noruz Films
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 759 Ratings


In this timely thriller, charismatic and ruthless businessman, Rick Carver (Academy nominee Michael Shannon), is making a killing by repossessing homes - gaming the real estate market, Wall Street banks and the US government. When he evicts Dennis Nash (Golden Globe nominee Andrew Garfield), a single father trying to care for his mother (Academy Award nominee Laura Dern) and young son (newcomer Noah Lomax), Nash becomes so desperate to provide for his family that he goes to work for Carver – the very man who evicted him in the first place. Carver promises Nash a way to regain his home and earn security for his family, but slyly seduces him into a lifestyle of wealth and glamour. It is a deal-with-the-devil that comes with an increasingly high cost - on Carver’s orders, Nash must evict families from their homes. As Nash falls deeper into Carver’s web, he finds his situation grows more brutal and dangerous than he ever imagined.



  • The Ugly Side of Real Estate Boom/Bust

    By SeattleMoose
    We all heard about it, the big RE bubble that popped arouund 2008. So many got conned into bad situations or just bought too high. Regardless, when you lose your home it is traumatic and people become VERY emotional. This movie shows that side of it but it also shows the greedy parasites that made money on the way up and the way down. Great acting, great story, and it will really grab your guts. RE is still like going to the casino....step right up!!!
  • Boring

    By Joe1235789
    Boring and predictable. Was I watching a different movie than the other reviewers? Oh wow he made $250 for a job and the family acted like they won the lottery. This movie is garbage. Bad ending too.
  • Not bad.

    By Mr_Stas
    Better than expected. Well done. But I wouldn't watch it again.
  • 99 Homes

    By Sai,
    I disappointed because I think,can see the movie but I can't on my tablet,don't know why,they take the money,sorry it was.99 but never ever rent or buying a movie::::::I Tunes can you please put the money back πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ˜±πŸ˜±πŸ˜±πŸ˜±πŸ‘€πŸ˜‚πŸ˜πŸ˜¬
  • love the cast?! Go see this!

    By katkatvr
    If you've already broken into this genre of story and life, then this film is still for you! Carefully filmed and artfully glimpsed at, 99 Homes highlights a reality that is often overlooked and dismissed--unfortunately! Take a step back and listen to this story.
  • Great movie

    By ginigo
    Everything was great till the end.
  • Stupid racist white trash stereotyped mess.

    By Rodrigo4D
    This is what Hollywood Elites think happened to white lower and middle class people during the housing crises. A bunch of Homer Simpson types in denial about the fact that they got in over their heads. Everyone wielding guns they shouldn't be allowed to have. Really sick. And the quality of editing?? Haven't seen that much language out of non moving lips since the last English dubbed Godzilla movie from Japan. Just another reminder that when it comes to movies with any kind of political message, you can count on elitist movie critics to ignore the flaws as long as their political agenda is propped up.
  • watch The Big Short then watch this

    By Inkaocaa
    This gets pretty intense during the eviction scenes, and really drives home the point of the chaos that ensued with banks mishandling mortgage adjustments and the court eviction process during the crisis. Watch the Big Short, then watch this film They should be rented together as a package deal!
  • A good movie about stupid people

    By pholly
    I don't feel bad for these people, it's a movie about people that did stupid things and lost their homes.
  • Great True-To-Life Drama

    By Studly Field Mouse
    When the facts are straight and the acting is impeccable and you're not really sure who to root for, it's a great film. We humans are certainly emotional creatures first, logic comes later if we are lucky. This movie certainly shows, true-to-life, how most of us become quickly compromised when our money runs out.
