Fall of the Roman Empire

Fall of the Roman Empire

By Anthony Mann

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 1964-03-26
  • Advisory Rating: NR
  • Runtime: 1h 36min
  • Director: Anthony Mann
  • Production Company: Samuel Bronston Productions
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 201 Ratings


Marcus Aurelius Antonius, philosopher-emperor of Rome, summons his empire's governors and princes to German war headquarters for a Pax Romanus. He confides to his daughter, Lucilla, that his adopted son, Livius, will succeed him instead of his more unstable heir, Commodus. Overhearing this, Cleander, a blind prophet loyal to Commodus, presents Marcus with a poisoned apple. After the funeral, Livius, who does not share Lucilla's ambition for himself or Rome, allows Commodus to proclaim himself emperor. Lucilla marries Sohamus of Armenia. While pestilence ravages Rome, Commodus continues his vain, licentious behavior, neglecting all symptoms of unrest while banishing anyone reminding him of his responsibilities: Livius, Lucilla, Timonides the Greek.



  • Question, why can’t I buy?

    By Ron Borgstedt
    What is this for rent only?
  • Want to purchase!

    By Nashnet
    Why not iTunes? Please make available for purchase.
  • Why is this not for sale??????

    By Darth Madonna
    I want to buy this movie!!!!!
  • Want to buy

    By fuegomusic
    Want to buy !!!!
  • Very poor image quality

    By Commodiana
    The movieis blurred and the rental period is too short. Not recommended, although it is a good movie.
  • The last time I saw this...

    By Weyland-Yutani
    ...I was a wee lad, but I thought about this movie while watching "Gladiator". It's basically the same story with Christopher Plummer playinf the nut-case emperor. It's quite epic.
  • C'mon iTunes, let us purchase it!

    By Billy DTK421
    Still waiting to buy this classic movie, iTunes!!
  • One of my favorite movies.

    By MJC-JejuROK
    Please make available for purchase. A classic for every movie collection..MJC
  • Terrible Resolution

    By Sealive
    WEhy is this film standard resolution. I did everything I could to change the resolution.
  • When will this movie be able to be purchased?

    By Artisan Jim
