

By Steven C. Miller

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2015-12-18
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 22min
  • Director: Steven C. Miller
  • Production Company: AGBO
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 7.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 6,162 Ratings


When a terrorist group kidnaps retired CIA field operative Leonard Turner (Bruce Willis), his son Harry Turner (Kellan Lutz), a government analyst who has been repeatedly turned down for field service, launches his own unsanctioned rescue operation. While evading highly skilled operatives, deadly assassins, and international terrorists, Harry finally puts his combat training to the test in a high-stakes mission to find his father and to stop a terrorist plot.



  • 3rd Rate

    By Izewyde
    Production quality is reminiscent of 1970's B-action movies.
  • Just Awful

    By incredipete
    I never review movies and I've watched plenty that were mediocre to bad. This movie - it has such great actors and it's such a horrible, cheesy, awfully-edited pile of poo that I'm mad I spent 4 bucks renting it. Take your money and flush it before you bother with this one.
  • Ho hum at best

    By Meggie Gray Andersen
    Possibly one of the worst movies Bruce Willis has ever been in. The plot was good enough but fell apart after the initial scene, which (by the way) was the only exciting thing about the movie. Bruce Willis had maybe ten minutes acting time in this movie, and it was not his best performance either. I blame the director and the screenwriter for this fiasco.
  • Ugh...

    By TenEaglesinGA
    It's worth noting the Rotten Tomato score of 6% - and FYI, it's not one of those 'it's so bad it's good' type of movies... As a 99 cent rental, it's 98 cents too much... Where to begin - the opening sequence is painfully long... The script is HORRIBLE, and the acting matches the script - Bruce Willis is solid, but he can't save a bad film like this. The overall plotline is bad, the plot twists are transparent and you can see them coming a mile away, and the way the story progresses makes it seem like they only cared about cramming in as many fight scenes as possible - but even then, the way it's shot/directed/edited, even makes those bad. The highlight of the movie was getting to write this review
  • Stinker Alert

    By johnpdolphinjr
    This is both Cheesy & Boring. Didn't even get 30 minutes in and we tapped out. Only reviewed to save someone their money and have someone reconsider their meager time on earth for something else cuz this movie isn't it.
  • Great Movie

    By Convexity123
    A fun movie. Well worth watching. Definitely worth the rental.
  • Youch

    By PayWhoYaOwe
    So bad. I love Gina Carano, but she was so bad in this. Everyone was. How does a movie like this happen? How does this script get approved? I generally have a pretty low bar. That should tell you something.
  • Bruce Willis why did you do this movie?

    By Justin_916
    This could quite possibly be the worst movie Bruce Willis has ever been a part of. And $6.99 for the rental = RIP OFF!!! Bruce must have needed the money or something.
  • Boring!

    By Berkeley Rooster
    I tried to watch it but it became so boring that I turned it off: It has a terrible script...it's a rip-off of other action movies...it is a cheap looking-formalistic failure...it looked like it was just thrown together...the acting is not convincing. Gina was "cool" but everyone else didn't do very well. Also, why is Bruce Willis seemingly (over that last several or more years) wasting his acting talents in "B-Movie" failures? Recommendation: Don't waste your time and money on this one.
  • The worst movie I have ever seen!

    By MMM.M3
    Please don't pay for these movie... I don't understand why Bruce Willis is on the movie.
