Victor Frankenstein

Victor Frankenstein

By Paul McGuigan

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2015-11-25
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 50min
  • Director: Paul McGuigan
  • Production Company: Davis Entertainment
  • Production Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 2,151 Ratings


Radical scientist Victor Frankenstein (James McAvoy) and his trusted assistant Igor (Daniel Radcliffe) share a noble vision of aiding humanity through their groundbreaking research into immortality. But when Victor’s experiments go too far, his obsession has horrifying consequences, and now only Igor can bring his friend back from the brink of madness...and save him from his monstrous creation!



  • Fantastic film!

    By Danielntlions
    Wonderful story, artistic filmography, and great humanity embedded within the morals. Watch it!

    By Buddy*0
    This has to be the best remake of Frankenstein to date. The actors were beyond amazing. The plot was believable and realistic. Really wish I could have seen this in theaters. The monster scene was intense and heart racing. I highly recommend this!
  • Beautiful

    By Soupdog03
    I wasn’t sure what to expect, but after the first five minutes I was already in love with the main character and enchanted with the London the filmmakers envisioned. There were no bad actors to be seen nor any acting that didn’t hit every spot required to hit. Real emotion. Never loved Igor or Victor Frankenstein more. I wanted to become a movie critic, but after reading some of these “professional” reviews, I’m afraid the join the club you must have to become blind and tasteless :P Enjoy the movie.
  • Wow… Just wow

    By Chris Martin
    Save the money and just enjoy the trailer. The best parts of the movie were all there. I could not even finish this movie because it was so boring. The acting was melodramatic and the characters seemed very one dimensional. Sorry Daniel Radcliffe, you usually make better choices.
  • Rent, don't buy

    By Kiki3469
    Not a movie I see myself watching a 2nd time.
  • Terrible retread of so many better movies

    By Cliff Jackson
    This movie is like a hate crime against joy. Talented people are involved in all levels, yet it is painfully bad from start to finish. It is a ham fisted remake of Re-Animator without any of the demented glee of that film. When someone is more half assed than Brian Yuzna, then a new low has been achieved.
  • The monster is wasted on this film

    By AMJ33
    I think the casting is great. I think the monster design was fantastic. But the script itself spent way too much time on a back story that wasn’t all that interesting and it dragged on for some time. I felt there were missed opportunities; even briefly I thought our pious police officer would be made into the monster- what excellent irony. But it didn’t happen that way. There was no twist. I think other spin offs of this story have done a better job at reinventing this wheel. Unfortunately I think this is a forgettable contribution.
  • Yikes!

    By RoboSlop
    Run for the hills! Stay away from this terrible creation!
  • Entertaining interpretation of a classic

    By Danintustin
    Highly reselling of a classic with a handed exploration of man's fear of technology.
  • Harry Potter Meet Victor Frankenstein!

    By Berkeley Rooster
    Lavish set-designs and props...special-effects are pretty good, but the story is kind of boring, formalistic, predictable, and, slow. This is a movie that seems to portray Harry Potter collaborating with Victor Frankenstein (Professor Charles Xavier of X-Men) in re-animating a collection of sewn-together animal body parts. Also, they are being pursued by Colonel William Stryker (X-Men) based upon a bogus accusation of criminality.
