7 Chinese Brothers

7 Chinese Brothers

By Bob Byington

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2015-08-28
  • Advisory Rating: NR
  • Runtime: 1h 14min
  • Director: Bob Byington
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 8.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 42 Ratings


Jason Schwartzman portrays Larry, an inebriated sad sack who rides a tide of booze onto the shores of an undiscriminating Quick-Lube. The only bright spot is his boss, Lupe (Eleanore Pienta). Will Larry keep it together long enough to win the girl, provide for his French bulldog (Schwartzman’s real-life dog Arrow), laze about with his friend Major (TV on the Radio’s Tunde Adebimpe), and do his cantankerous grandmother (Olympia Dukakis) proud?



  • Schwartzman + Dog = GOLD

    By tylerschnabel
    If you enjoy Schwartzman, you'll enjoy this. This indie dark comedy packs in moments that offers Schwartzman a solid amount of improvisation, and he owns it. His scenes between he and his dog are priceless. As far as plot goes, don't expect anything too fancy. It's a fun character piece on the idea that "failure has a new overachiever," and it certainly delivers. Solid indie. Hope to see more of Arrow!
  • Best Part, Big J

    By Arman223
    I could watch Schwartzman for two hours making an Italian meal or washing his car, so keep that in mind. That being the case, Jason has some great moments in this film, and despite a meandering plot, it’s got a cute dog and some great supporting performances.
  • Adorable, Layered, Indie Perfection

    By Ellie the extra
    7 Chinese Brothers is one of the best films I’ve seen in a long time. Starring the ever charming Jason Schwartzman, legendary Olympia Dukakis, and multitalented Tunde Adebimpe this bitter sweet film is both remarkable and rememberable. While the story touches on serious topics such as unemployment, addiction, and death, the many laughs and sweet moments between Schwartzman and his dog Arrow leave the film hopeful and upbeat. A must see for fans of Schwartzman, dogs, and introspective comedies.
  • Right?

    By Raspapa
    You will love this movie if you are a smug constipated hipster who pretends have some ironic depth and in fact are simply slow witted. I understand that having no point can actually be the point but who cares when the movie is this boring. “appealing”, “very funny”, “charming” They must be paid to say that or be (see above).
  • This Pen Doesn’t Work

    By matty03
    For those of us who enjoy watching Jason Schwartzman do his thing and Bob Byington's sense of humor, this is our movie. It isn't "high art" but it offers the kind of entertainment that only these two artists and much of the cast can provide. Also it is far too infrequent we get a chance to see Eleanore Pienta, Michael Tully, and Jon Togo. Plus Alex Karpovsky, Alex Ross Perry, Olympia Dukakis and Stephen Root! Oh, and Jennifer Prediger shows up all too briefly, but it's always fun to see her working -- even with very little to do she is awesome. If you're into movies, then you should be familiar with these artists. I suspect the people who will like this movie know who they are and there is no need to write a lengthy review. It is just a fun movie.
