Fantastic Four

Fantastic Four

By Josh Trank

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2015-08-07
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 40min
  • Director: Josh Trank
  • Production Company: Kumar Mobiliengesellschaft mbH & Co. Projekt Nr. 3 KG
  • Production Country: Germany, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 19.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 9,413 Ratings


The FANTASTIC FOUR make a triumphant return with MARVEL’s next generation of heroes—four young outsiders who teleport to an alternate universe, their physical forms altered in shocking ways. Their lives changed forever, Reed Richards (“MR. FANTASTIC”), Sue Storm (“INVISIBLE WOMAN”), Johnny Storm (“THE HUMAN TORCH”) and Ben Grimm (“THE THING”) must harness their incredible new powers and work together to save Earth from a former friend turned enemy, the infamous DR. DOOM.



  • No 20s y/o Jessica Alba NO DICE

    By Vincent_Vega_junkie
    The one saving Grace and reason to watxh the first two was Alba. W/out her, it’s a Diamond level of hard pass.
  • Terrible!! Watch the other two!!

    By abodeelym
    I like the first one 10/10. Second one 10/10. I like the this version of fantastic 4 1/10 because it was really overdone, very slow and didn’t have the much action. It was pretty dark. It had different actors. Had same characters. Same villain. It had a great cast. I didn’t like the plot. The plot was different. And why was the thing naked (no pants). I really liked the thing in this movie. Human Torch played a black person (Micheal B Jordan). I hated Doctor Doom. Doctor Doom was horrible. I mean, Really, Fox. The Fantastic Four 2005 And Fantastic four: Rise of Silver Surfer 2007 were a lot better than this crap. Those 2 have a lot more action. Just please watch the other two. The other two are a lot better than this garbage.
  • Watch the 2005 version

    By Cassiuslad
    This movie is terrible, un action packed , and slow. Please watch the 2005 version. The 2005 version is better than this.
  • Ok movie

    By RWF76
    Just was not enough action in the movie, the actors are good just Poor script writing for fantastic four. The older 2 films my opinion or better a lot more action.
  • Great Movie!

    By Rutherford Crenshaw
    Entertaining from beginning to end. Really underrated. Glad I got to watch it though!
  • Unbelievably bad in so many ways !!!

    By memebras
    I have pretty low standards for movies. If you can even somewhat entertain me for a couple hours, I'm not unhappy. But this movie was absolutely terrible. I only finished it because I kept thinking "It can't be this bad. It has to get better at some point." I was completely wrong. The special effects were terrible, the acting was atrocious, and the storyline was mediocre at best. As it is, I can't get that two hours of my life back. My only hope is that the rights eventually revert back to Marvel and then Marvel/Disney can actually do the story justice.
  • Fant (4) tisc can role it's self up

    By Nicholas becerra
    This new edition to the fantastic four franchise was baked and off putting. The 2005 original was bad and silver surfer was terrible. Fox wanted to make it so realistc that Fantastic four bought it's own thing this movie is bad and stupid actually the teaser trailer is better than the actually movie.
  • I did not like the movie that much 2/10

    By Apspiderman09
    I did not like the movie that much it was Bad The acting Is Week and The actor who played Homer in the Simpsons Show and the movie he was the Teacher in Fantastic 4 But I can’t Remember the actor name who played Homer in the Simpsons movie and the show But let me Go to google and save my review and look up some stuff I can say more of this movie 1 hour later...........okay now I am Back to say more about this movie I heard fantastic 4 2015 is a Reboot to the 2 Fantastic 4 movies with Christ Evans who You might know who was In the MCU films (also you can call it Marvel cinematic universe) I give Fantastic 4 a 2/10.
  • Narek Hakobyan

    By narek the movie star
    The movie has a good storyboard but it is a dull movie throughout
  • One star

    By DrButterKnife
    Nuff said
