Cop Car

Cop Car

By Jon Watts

  • Genre: Thriller
  • Release Date: 2015-08-07
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 27min
  • Director: Jon Watts
  • Production Company: End Cue
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 860 Ratings


A pair of ten-year-olds find an abandoned cop car in a field. When they take it for a joyride, it seems like they could kill themselves at any moment. But things only get worse when the small town sheriff goes looking for his missing car. The kids find themselves in the center of a deadly game of cat and mouse they don’t understand and the only way out is to go as fast as their cop car can take them. A small town sheriff sets out to find the two kids who have taken his car on a joy ride.



  • Cop Car

    By Shape of 67
    Artfully made, lovely, fast, clever! Bacon is brilliant. If you need a plot, watch TV. This film is art!
  • cop mess

    By RonnieGirl62
    waste of money horrible action kevin this was horrible..warning dont sense just two kids on the run like where is your mom!!!
  • Kevin Bacon is great!...

    By woolyfork
    ...I'm probably in the minority on this, but my daughter and I really liked this movie! The scene where Kevin Bacon asked the kids repeatedly "...did you open the trunk?" Is priceless! This movie has a sorta quirky "Fargo" vibe to it---and that's a good thing!
  • Waste of Time

    By PiggyBank919
    Short of being a film major who can maybe appreciate the camera work and the possible subtle metaphor-laced plot, you probably won't like this movie. Personally, I like films that are layered with meaning but this movie was so boring, my mind was too numbed to look deeply into anything going on. I would say a good 45 minutes of this movie are wasted scenes where nothing really happens. The ending was interesting but that's terrible that the only good thing about a movie is its ending. I feel like my time was wasted watching his but maybe someone else with the time and patience to watch this might enjoy it.
  • A very sad state of affairs!

    By thestarfire
    The fact that people in the movie industry watched this and allowed it to be released for people to watch is mind numbing!!! I guess you can go out side with your video camera and film the grass for 1.5 hours and make money these days so long as you make the top movies list. Enough people will waste the money. Sad fact so please keep your money and go watch the grass. You will have a much better time…guaranteed!!! I THINK THIS MOVIE MIGHT BE A JOKE or a social experiment to see how bad you can make a movie and have people still rate it five stars;-/
  • Cop Car - So very bad & boring.

    By jpp4053
    Skip this one. It starts out dull, but with Kevin Bacon I expected it to get better. Didn't happen. The end was so bad as it just leaves you hanging. Total waste of time. Don't even bother to watch it when it comes on TV.
  • A movie without a beginning or and end

    By Weather tracker
    That pretty much sums it up. You don't know what started it all or how it finishes. The two kids are so dumb you wonder how they even walked across the field at the beginning without hurting themselves. The acting was ok, but the script and the story we pretty lame.
  • Thrilling yet disappointing

    By tarek307
    This could have been a great movie,**SPOILER DONT READ AHEAD MAY RUIN MOVIE*** had the ingredients & story to be very thrilling & worth watching but then you realize it all FFW and means nothing- Why didn’t they just go with the story let us know about the cop, the other guys, etc..
  • Edge of your seat !

    By Rose2gard
    LOVE it and it is a Thrill of a movie.
  • Horrible, Hated it! Two snaps and a twist!

    By ingahobbes
    The cost of rental was a lost. The waste of time irreplaceable!!!
