All the Right Moves

All the Right Moves

By Michael Chapman

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 1983-09-01
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 36min
  • Director: Michael Chapman
  • Production Company: Lucille Ball Productions
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 271 Ratings


The only way football star Stefan Djordjevic (Tom Cruise) will avoid a life in the blast furnaces of his bleak Pennsylvania hometown is by winning a college scholarship. Even his coach (Craig T. Nelson) dreams of parlaying a winning team into a college job far away from this graveyard of the American Dream. But it's not long before the two virtually ruin each other's chances for escape and their door to the future starts to close. Lea Thompson and Christopher Penn co-star.



  • Why not a buy?

    By Card Rule
    Please make this a buy. It is a classic nostalgic high school football movie.
  • Rent?

    By Springsteen Fanatic
    Apple, Why is this Rent Only???
  • All the right Moves Movies

    By 3dingles
    Can you make this movie to buy
  • Please make this available to purchase!!!!

    By kfedsuperduper
    This echos the sentiment of most reviews here. Please make this available to buy!!!! I’m not a sports guy at all, but I love this film. Stellar cast and the classic dying steel town backdrop used in other beloved 80s films.
  • Let me buy this

    By Itsmericci
    Let me buy this, dang it.
  • Rent only??

    By jryseinfld
    Come on let us buy the movie already
  • MS……………

    By Ms1e;}#€huffs//22uiikgffdss
    Why isn’t this for sale
  • 🏈🏈🏈

    By red12104
    iTunes please make it available to buy $4.99 please please thanks for the understanding.
  • Make it to buy

    By Tiffkdepp
    MAKE IT TO BUY pleas
  • All The Right Moves

    By JerseyGuaynabo
    This is a great classic. I just don’t understand why you can purchase the DVD and rent it digitally but you can’t purchase it digitally. Please make it for sale along with “Better Off Dead” and many other classic 80’s movies.
