Ever since she was featured on the promotional poster for Loki, followers have been speculating about Miss Minutes’ general position within the movie. According to Herron, this silly-looking cartoon character with a southern accent might play a much bigger position than only a mere TVA mascot. A couple of weeks earlier than Loki’s premiere, a Twitter account utilizing the identify Miss Minutes shared a message coded in Norse runes. The decrypted message reads:
“Once I get out of this hellish prison they call TVA, I swear I’ll burn everything to ashes.”
While Twitter hasn’t verified the account’s official connection to the Marvel collection, and lots of think about the message to be written by Loki himself, it isn’t unreasonable to imagine Miss Minutes is a disgruntled worker right here. If she actually “has life” and is locked in a recording by TVA, Miss Minutes might turn out to be a rebellious synthetic intelligence position.