“The Man in the Sky!” is a character-centered story that focuses solely on Tad’s own experiences as he initially tries to use his powers for good but is rejected by humanity’s fear. Then Tad was soon pursued by a mob – but he was rescued when other mutants mysteriously helped him fly away. They are the ones who communicate through his mind and it is revealed that they are hiding in a mysterious and unseen holy area, waiting for the day when humanity will develop socially to a level ready to accept. different people.
Stan Lee apparently intended this to be the prologue to an ongoing story, but sadly it was forgotten when “Amazing Adult Fantasy” was canceled due to poor sales. He had forgotten all about it, but the ideas must have been smoldering in his subconscious to finally return when he started working on the X-Men book (originally titled ‘The Mutants’). Lee was only reminded of “The Man in the Sky!” Decades later in 1991, when one of Marvel’s editors unearthed the story and asked about it. He frankly admitted he didn’t remember it at all.