The Voices

The Voices

By Unknown

  • Genre: Thriller
  • Release Date: 2015-02-06
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 43min
  • Director: Unknown
  • Production Company: 1984 Private Defense Contractors
  • Production Country: Germany, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 7.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,792 Ratings


Jerry (Ryan Reynolds) is a chipper guy, clocking the nine-to-five at a bathtub factory. With the help of his court-appointed psychiatrist, he pursues his office crush (Gemma Arterton). However, the relationship takes a sudden, murderous turn after she stands him up for a date. Guided by his evil talking cat and benevolent talking dog, Jerry must decide whether to keep striving for normalcy, or indulge in a much more sinister path. Also starring Anna Kendrick and Jacki Weaver.



  • Excellent filmmaking!

    By Uma No Kuroi
    While it's hard to place what genre film this is, black comedy, dark drama etc., it never feels like the creators lose control and don't know what they are doing. Impressively they even mange to walk the edge of multiple genres without leaving a total cluster f#@k of a film. I never quite knew where the film was going, which is a big deal this day and age, but I could still feel, and agree with, the films strong sense of "you make and are responsible for your choices and actions." Filled with great acting as well, however I don't think that I will ever watch this one again. It's dark and pretty sad. If you are looking for something to make you think about the darker side of our human nature this is a good one.
  • What did I just watch?

    By Hunty mon
    So I got this on redbox and it was under comedy. There was no comedy what so ever. Sure, the cat and dog had some funny remarks but I don't feel like having a quick laugh, then being scarred by what I was watching. I HATE this movie! I would rate this 0 stars but I can't send this review without giving it a star.
  • Well Rounded! Intriguing!! Perfect!!!

    By Popingf
    After watching this film i was overly satisfied! It hit all the key elements you'd want to find in a movie. It had the Giddy side along with the crazed horror flip, but it touched something a little more sincere. It took you deeper into the characters head then just a simple murderer, you got to see his struggles, his pain, his thought process. The movie really draws you in for an emotional ride, i found myself tearing up and having conflicting feelings. I wouldn't necessarily consider this a dark comedy because the comedy isn't comedy like you'd expect it to be, but it is a thriller no doubt! Its more light hearted fun to relieve tension because otherwise it would be a pretty sad movie. The voices really puts a human aspect on a serial killers mind and lets you decide wether he's good or bad! And to make everything even that much better, the acting was spot on. Everything about this movie was involved and heartfelt! You can't simply look at this movie and expect it for what a stereotypical dark comedy would consist of, it goes much deeper then that! It puts perspective on things you wouldn't even consider there were sides to! I loved this movie and would recommend giving it a shot! I did and was amazed, now it's your turn!
  • Makes you think

    By Home Sick With a Blanket
    The most interesting part of this movie is experiencing the world of an unhinged person through his own eyes versus the reality that everyone else sees. Jerry is alternately a caring person and a monster. I find myself wondering how would you know if you came across someone like this...until it was too late?
  • Weirdly Amusing

    By Egh….
    If you don’t like the messed up world of Dark Comedies than this movie isn’t for you. I chuckled in a few places and rooted for the killer. So I suppose the movie achieved what it wanted. Best part by far is Reynolds animal voices!
  • Voices

    By RosesPete
    Not a good thing to spend our money or time watching. This brand of story CAN be told but I’m not entirely sure it should be. A grizzly fascination for dark places sets the stage for ones morbid curiosity to run free whilst trying to grasp for anything familiar to a virtue or moral.
  • Loved/ hated it.

    By Djmalik_105
    I must've missed the humor parts. I was just laughing about how stupid it was. Ryan is a good actor and usually in good movies, but I hate to say not this one. Don't watch it unless you like cheesy movies
  • Awesome

    By Gmace
    Hey, not much gets 5 stars, but i loved this. I laughed and was creeped out, not much scary/horror, but that is a success in this type of film. Psychological from the inside of his brain with reality when he takes the medications is a disturbing reality in the world of psychiatry/psychology. This was great. I liked the acting - way to capture it.
  • Heed the NYT review

    By uglybuf
    The writer of this script is more likely to understand what goes on in the heart of a black hole star than he understands mental illness. Even if one doesn’t take this matter seriously, this is not a funny movie. It’s trite, inane, jejune, and any other adjective that brings to mind pomposity without substance. Pity the reasonably good cast who could have invested their time so much better.
  • Wow

    By LemieuxCaliStyle
    Dumbest sh** I have ever seen. Turned it off....honestly, don't waste your time and money.
