Exodus: Gods and Kings

Exodus: Gods and Kings

By Ridley Scott

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2014-12-12
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 2h 30min
  • Director: Ridley Scott
  • Production Company: 20th Century Fox
  • Production Country: Spain, United States of America, United Kingdom
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 2.99
From 4,584 Ratings


From acclaimed director Ridley Scott (Gladiator, Prometheus) comes Exodus: Gods and Kings, the epic tale of one man’s daring courage to take on an empire. Using state-of-the-art visual effects, this spectacular adventure brings new life to the story of Moses (Christian Bale) as he defies the Pharaoh Ramses (Joel Edgerton), setting 400,000 slaves on a monumental journey of escape from Egypt.



  • Excellent historical fiction

    By Easy_Churlish
    Excellent drama and action. It's like a historical sci-fi.
  • A waste of a great opportunity

    By sitcomone
    Great acting, great visuals, overall a great theatrical movie. It lacks the biblical accuracy that this movie needed for validation as a complete movie. A waste of amazing resources.
  • What did he say?

    By LAFster
    Cecilia B. DeMille made his actors talk so you could understand them. Is there a reason the actors were allowed to mumble through out the movie? I think I like the change in story line, but I’m not sure. Because I don’t know what they were saying.
  • It’s okay

    By ThomyNC
    Religious background aside, it’s a decent movie. I am glad it’s not a glorified Bible reenactment, but puts the human conflict to the forefront. It’s still not super interesting for some reason.
  • Sadly bummed out

    By K to the E ven
    If only such a powerful American enterprise like Hollywood could be a messenger rather than an editor of truth. “Although they (Hollywood, the owners, actors, directors and screenwriters) claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭1:22-23‬ ‭NIV‬‬ If the truth has set you free, you are free indeed. Not your version of truth or what you would like it to be, the truth - Jesus.
  • Hollywood fiction!

    By CanDo2
    Absolutely horrible. I am outside about stop watching it. I don’t really need to zero. I sorry I did not read reviews first.
  • Way Off

    By Bigdunn22
    The book this fictional movie movie is loosely based on is fact. The truth matters… except in Hollywood.
  • Movie

    By Boss_Papi
    Love it!
  • What An Outstanding Biblically Accurate Movie

    By AnnaTrashPanda
    Regardless of what other bot accounts on here have said, this is a wonderful movie. I’m not sure why so many one-star rated reviews are claiming the movie is nothing like the Bible, but I can tell you as a theology major that this movie is VERY accurate. There is nothing wrong with believe in yourself as a God, believing in no God, believing in many Gods, or believing in one God. Religion isn’t supposed to be toxic, and people should stop using it as a weapon. This movie was amazing storyline wise and even better cinematography wise. I’d give it 10 stars if I could!
  • Mockery of my Hebrew Ancestors & Israelites alike

    By Tru'
    I was about to make the purchase. It amazes me how money can make people manipulate a time and event when folks of one ethnicity was deemed slaves then, remained slaves throughout recent history and commodities of today. You guys sell our stories and parade the murder of our Messiah in our faces in such disrespect. I’m not a fan of this variation and won’t be purchasing. If you’re gonna tell the story, at least have the decency to half way tell it like Mel Gibson did. He tried knowing if he went to far with the truth l, he could be facing some real backlash from his peers.
