

By Sebastián Lelio

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2014-01-24
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 49min
  • Director: Sebastián Lelio
  • Production Company: Universal Pictures International
  • Production Country: Mexico
  • iTunes Price: USD 5.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 125 Ratings


Best actress award winner Paulina Garcia (Berlin Film Festival) stars in this uplifting story of personal transformation. Gloria is a "woman of a certain age" who gets caught up in a passionate whirlwind romance with a retired naval officer, whom she meets at a dance club for singles. But when she discovers the truth of their relationship, she must take matters into her own hands.



  • Hermosa y diferente!

    By Muchisas gracias, de verdad
    Que gran película, felicidades al director y a todo el equipo, la actriz increíble ! Película diferente, bella, humana y muy original. Un canto al amor a la vida y a nuestra escencia como seres humanos! Bellísima !!!
  • As art, it is good. As entertainment, torture.

    By noordwyk
    Although the movie has immense merit as a piece of art, it really is not going to make you feel good. Like explicit sex scenes with the elderly? This is the movie for you. Like watching mundane details of a person's life? You're going to love it. Want to see someone's life that is worse than yours? Rent it now!
  • Gloria

    By WNRC
    Boring, slow. Great for insomnia
  • Was it something they said?

    By nzjetstar1
    Fabulous, amazing film. Captures the essence of woman entering into the sunset of her life but still filled with zest for life. The steady gaze she looks at the world with is a powerful statement: “Here I am.” I loved every second and it was great to the last dance.
  • Dance of Life, second chance.

    By BSerracin
    Paulina Garcia in lead role is awesome. The middle aged woman with plenty of élan and juice left in her. She wants to get 'dancing', but partners are hard to come by. Solo dancing only satisfies a part of her. She falls, trips and stumbles her way to find happiness somehow, Entire film is limited by weak cinema technique of the director. It would be a 4.5 star film. Watch it if you like unique characters, midlife hurdles, joy of life, passion-driven women and clues to discovering what to do and what not to do on the journey. It's about love, laughter and dancing, love-making, a little too much wine and a try at some weed. Ugly cats, noisy neighbors, and umbilicals to children that never got cut. The followup sequel should be called Ten Days in Cuba with Gloria. Enjoy.
  • Vulnerable and extraordinary

    By erikspooner
    Garcia gives a compelling performance as this very cooky, fabulous character. Gloria is a must-see
  • Put some more eye drops in

    By Richmond
    I guess we were supposed to feel for The banality of Gloria's life, but I feel cheated when I spend money to watch someone repeatedly put eyedrops in and drive her car around Santiago.
  • what a movie~!!!!!

    By gogo21
    First review ever on movies but this one is a keeper by a long shot. I wish i could pick up my pieces when i’m broken down like she does over and over in the movie
  • Gloria

    By ru66
    Authentic! Heartbreaking! But Amazing!
