An experienced cop and his rookie partner patrol the streets of East Los Angeles while trying to keep the gang violence under control.
Missing scenes
By endsng
I saw this at the cinema. I later bought it on DVD. The DVD was missing several scenes. The DVD is listed at 111 minutes. This download was listed at 120 minutes. It looks way better than my DVD, but the missing scenes (a necessary scene that preceded the part where Duval and Penn are on the beach), and one other, are still missing. Also, the scene where that guy with the hair extensions is trying to counsel the gang members, it's actually missing a part of that scene, which WAS on my edited DVD. But again, this looks much better than my DVD.
Simon homes
By 45gallos
Great movie
By Tony Stark 55
Classic cop movie they don't make movies like this anymore.
By stevedave420
I remember seeing this in the theaters when I was in grade school - movie has only gotten better as I've gotten older - so glad to see iTunes has finally added it. Best pre-BoyzNtheHood gang movie about LA (this one being told from the cops perspective.)