Goodbye World

Goodbye World

By Denis Henry Hennelly

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2014-04-04
  • Advisory Rating: Unrated
  • Runtime: 1h 40min
  • Director: Denis Henry Hennelly
  • Production Company: Gather Films
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 145 Ratings


When a mysterious cyber-attack cripples civilization, James and his old college friends retreat to a remote country home, where they must cope with an uncertain future while defending themselves against desperate outsiders who will do anything to survive.



  • It had potential, but boring.

    By Greg Oden
    I thought this might be a good "prepper" movie, instead it was about dysfunctional relationships and smoking weed in NorCal. The movie poster is deceptive because it shows the father holding his daughter and a rifle. The father never had a rifle, in fact there was a scene were a friend produced a revolver at the dinner table and all the other guests were scared at the sight of a gun. Typical liberal Hollywood ant-gun sentiment. The gun saved the father in the movie. Don't watch this if you want to take emergency preparedness for you and your family serious, it will only anger you.
  • Great! Original!

    By David Srour
    Great! Original!
  • Laughable!

    By bellaherna
    Gosh, between the spoiled bratty kid and the annoying self indulging group of nit wits it was hard to get through the whole thing. What a waste of a potentially good story. Don’t waste your time!
  • Best Movie!

    By Pall_The_Hung
    The Reviews for this movie made me not want to watch it but after watching it i couldn’t have disagree more with Rotten Tomatoes, This movie has A bigger Moral meaning than most other movies AND A big plus for the cast, Kid cudi By far made this movie for me. Big A+
  • Narcissism at it’s…worst?

    By jericos
    The premise of the movie was very promising and I was looking forward to seeing how things turned out. In the midst of a national, possible world, catastrophe, the characters were so fixated on their own neuroses instead of trying to figure out how to survive. In fact, they were so dumb, insipid and whiney, I wanted to slap them each in the face. It was that bad. Rotten Tomatoes got this one dead on. Avoid like the plague.
  • Decent Acting Can’t Salvage Poor Story

    By SeattleMoose
    A group of 30 something folks meet in a remote location during a cyber attack which supposedly takes down civilization. Sounds like it could be interesting. Unfortunately it is not. The story is so bad that even halfway decent acting cannot compensate.
  • Boring and stupid

    By WiIIieNelson
    It was all about a stupid love triangle and nothing about the end of the world. The trailer completely mis-represents this movie. Don't waste your time or money!
  • Liberal trash

    By Kyles ipad12345678901
    I get pretty tired of political junk made by liberal hipsters. Pretty sad this is the state of the movie industry today. Anyways, the movie isn't horrible but it fails on telling any kind of story.
  • Horrible

    By freqn
    If you want to waste $$ and a couple of hours watching a slow moving movie about dysfunctional relationships and people unsure of themselves, this is your flick. What a waste.
  • Waste of money

    By David Burnett
    I wish I could do a refund because this movie was not worth $6.99. It starts off with no lead up or story line. This production is garbage.
