

By Unknown

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2011-08-05
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 46min
  • Director: Unknown
  • Production Company: Coatwolf Productions
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 7.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 151 Ratings


An apocalyptic love story, “Bellflower” is explosive and visually stunning. While Woodrow and Aiden prepare for the apocalypse by building flamethrowers and fire breathing Mad Max-inspired muscle cars, Woodrow falls hard for a femme fatale who's more dangerous than any end of days.



  • Great flick

    By elvisdmd
    All the negative reviews for this film are baseless or merely written by teenagers. This is a visually striking film that haunted me for months after I had seen it. The simplistic beauty of the decay of a relationship and the violence that it spawns will both trouble and entice the viewer. It is a film that makes you actually feel the hurt of a broken heart, from the male's perspective. I will say that this flick isn't for everyone. But for the serious cinephile it is bravura filmmaking that is as both raw as it is sublime.
  • Ho-Hum, Then Some

    By Rndlmke
    This is a pretty solid movie, as long as you’re good with watching hipsters act like hipsters and speak all their lines, even declarative ones, in the form of a question. Someone somewhere might be okay with that, but this film is a chesegrater for my soul. It was the worst form of torture. Let us praise independent cinema, cherish it, tolerate its horrendous sound editing, endure its annoying use of creative lenses — I’m for it. But not this. It’s a man-child hack-job masquerading as art. Don’t believe it.
  • Wowzers

    By Detemus
    This is one of those movies you will love or hate. Personally I love it. Beautiful looking and dipping into an alternative (genre) style movie. The movie becomes dream like and intoxicating as it moves along. The scope of this movie is not the norm of Hollywood so if you only like cut and dry films like Fast and the Furious you may not like this . . . then again the car is really cool.
  • Fantastic Film

    By ulmxpxhg
    I am convinced that anyone who rated this film less than 4 stars does not have any sense of what a real FILM should be. Characters don't always need to be over the top trying to save the world or have some strangely unique character flaws. Sometimes the most strong characters are those that are most like "us": slightly odd, awkward, desperate for love and ultimately self centered. This film, at it's core, is a love story, albeit, a very dark love story and a very real one at that. While watching, thoughts and feelings that most of us have had about previous relationships boil to the surface and make this story that much more real. If you only stare at the screen as you would at any Michael Bay movie that you rated 5 stars and don't let these characters and feelings in or actually think throughout the film there is a good chance you won't like it. Evan Glodell and the Coatwolf team have a very bright future ahead of them and I personally can not wait for their next film: Chuck Hank and the San Diego Twins.
  • Brilliant on a hundred different levels!!

    By hockeyblood
    An Absolute Modern Day Masterpiece!! Crushes any conception of a single genre film. Beyond unique, you have never, ever seen anything like this. This movie should be slowly dissected & carefully studied. It'll remind you of your most cherished memories & your darkest regrets. Incredible soundtrack, beautiful & heartbreaking.... Hands down the best cinematography you will ever be lucky enough to absorb. Youth, humor, love, betrayal, violence and (most importantly) true friendship. The bar for creative, artistic films has been raised to an almost unfathomable level. Skyrockets to one of the greatest movies I HAVE EVER SEEN!! 10+/10
  • Overall a Bad Film

    By }}}krogh{{{
    This film was didn't really go anywhere over the course of one hour and forty minutes. One dimensional characters that you don't care about coupled with way too long a run time for what actually is going on equals boredom. Doesn't live up to the little hype it has.
  • Fantastic!!

    By DonDion2408
    That one word says it all.
  • Absolutely brilliant

    By irobious
    I went into this movie completely blind and ended up watching it three times. I'm a bit of a movie nerd and a pretty big movie critic, and I can tell you now, this is in my Top 5 favorite films, up there with Star Wars, Raiders, and Stanley Kubrick. Absolutely brilliant. And get this... They made this movie for $12,000... Yes... I know... $12k. Even Glodell is a remarkable director/writer/actor. Look out for Coatwolf... They know their stuff. Bellflower is the most underrated and underpublicized film I have ever seen. Dare I say it? Genius.
  • Mesmerizing

    By Rwh2414
    I truly believe this movie is made for the small town folks ... How many times have you sat down with your buddies talking about getting out of the town you lived in your whole life? The same faces, problems and stories surround you and the small town begins to bring you down ... Everyone wishes they could have a different life or that just one simple thing would change your entire outlook of home ... We all want to meet that one girl who makes home feel new again while never really changing anything about ourselves ... This movie is timeless and makes you feel as if you will never age
  • Fight Club Meets 500 Days of Summer

    By Robert Hawk
    Haunting and original in both it's cinematography and it's story. The setting may be apocalyptic, but the emotions are raw and real. A powerful and complete film. Others have said they can't wait to see what comes next from Goddell ( the lead actor, screenwriter, and director), but seems an unfair request.
