

By André Øvredal

  • Genre: Horror
  • Release Date: 2011-06-10
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 43min
  • Director: André Øvredal
  • Production Company: Double Dare You
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 335 Ratings


The government says there’s nothing to worry about – it’s just a problem with bears making trouble in the mountains and forests of Norway. But local hunters don’t believe it – and neither do a trio of college students who want to find out the truth. Armed with a video camera, they trail a mysterious “poacher,” who wants nothing to do with them. However, their persistence lands them straight in the path of the objects of his pursuits: trolls. They soon find themselves documenting every move of this grizzled, unlikely hero – the trollhunter – risking their lives to uncover the secrets of creatures only thought to exist in fairy tales.



  • A superb little film full of surprises

    By zidane2015
    Fantastic horror comedy with plenty of twists and a pretty solid story.
  • 😃

    By Turd$Ferguson
    Wow, this is a good and fun movie.
  • If you like found footage, this is one of the best

    By wojovox
    I have a guilty pleasure for watching found footage and this one is easily in the top 5 of all time. It’s fun, funny at times, and imaginative. It’s not so much a scary movie, but it is suspenseful in a few scenes. I think this is a must buy of the sub genre. If you like found footage horror, this movie will certainly be one of the best you ever see. I would grade this A- while it’s great, it’s not the perfect found footage movie.
  • Awesome Movie

    By AppDevDude
    It has subtitles, but don’t let that stop you. It’s a must watch.
  • Refreshing

    By lordsuckulant
    This movie took an interesting concept and made an incredible movie. Effects were amazing. Only thing I didn’t like was hand held camera point of view. Would love to see more movies from the people behind this one.
  • Fantastic

    By Parker1825
    A must watch for monster fans
  • why i hate found footage movies

    By unclebuck22
    im not sure if it is trying to hide the fact that its fake or if they really expect people to accept the early 2000s high school quality CGI trolls. i will give it props for the concept of power lines being a secret way to enclose the trolls. very clever... however... i would have been okay with this movie if it wasnt for the last words and small clip at the end.
  • Great Movie

    By Teknina
    A must have to anybody's collection. Great story (folklore), great effects, and a great cast. The only drawback is the subtitles. They take away from the movie a bit but being a foreign film, it's needed and worth every second due to the quality of this movie.
  • Underrated and Amazing.

    This movie is not very well-known, and is often overlooked because of the fact that it’s subtitled. Do yourself a favor and get the movie. You’ll have to read the English subtitles, but really, it isn’t a pain. The effects are great, it mixes a bit of comedy with a bit of horror and is just generally original. One of my all-time favorite movies, for sure.
  • Surprisingly affecting

    By StoryDelver
    Given the subject matter it is a work of minor genius how much you end up believing what's happening.
