The Alamo

The Alamo

By John Wayne

  • Genre: Western
  • Release Date: 1960-11-05
  • Advisory Rating: NR
  • Runtime: 2h 41min
  • Director: John Wayne
  • Production Company: Batjac Productions
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 353 Ratings


In 1836, 187 Americans and Texicans stood against the attack of Santa Ana's 7,000-man army for more than 13 days. This epic film deals with how those men happened to be inside the mission--now a converted fort--in the small village of San Antonio, Texas, and how this led to the tragedy at The Alamo. The historical players at the fort include Davy Crockett (John Wayne--who also produced and directed the film with the uncredited assistance of John Ford), James Bowie (Richard Widmark), Sam Houston (Richard Boone) and Col. William Travis (Laurence Harvey). The film is historically faithful (as few films are) to the historical events. The final battle scene (attributed to John Ford) is a classic of its kind. The film's celebrated music is by Dimitri Tiomkin.



  • Flawed version

    By Pew boy
    I love the movie (although it is a little talky, especially early) but if you're a movie purist you don't want this version. First, this is the cut-down version,not the full length one, with numerous missing scenes and entrance, intermission and exit music. Buying from iTunes also means not gettting the full picture, since all iTunes films appear to be at least slightly "zoomed in" on, either the fill the screen (in widescreen movies such as this) or to make the image seem bigger (in older narrow ratio features).
  • The Alamo (1960)

    By Head Maroon
    This is not one of John Wayne's best films. Still it is a decent film, actually better than the remake of it. I remember seeing this for the first time when it was released in 1960. I was 8 and already loved westerns. The supporting cast is entertaining but Frankie Avalon seems a bit out of place as one of Crockett's men. It's worth a view.
  • The Alamo

    By NewRiverFranklin
    One of John Wayne's best pictures. Unfortunately Itunes edited it. The real version on VHS runs for over three hours. There are many important scenes cut on this version. They really should tell you that it has been edited!
  • The Alamo

    By Coinnut
    This is a fantastic movie that tells the true story of the brave men & women of the Alamo who fought Santa Anna's huge, well trained, well equipped army, giving General Sam Houston 13 more days in which to build an army that would later win independence from Mexico!! A great movie, starting one of the best, if not THE best actors in the history of films. Nice job Duke! Rest in peace....
  • Loved it!!!!!!!!!

    By Abigail Ramirez
    I loved the movie and travis is SMEXY (a.k.a. Laurence Harvey) but the movie waz fabulous 2 thumbs up best history movie I have ever seen I'm thinking about being a archeologist cuz I love history and good in history class I appreciate history go John Wayne best movie he's done!!!!!
  • John Wayne in The Alamo

    By DisneyLover4Life
    This is perhaps 1 of John Wayne's finest films despite the difficulties in finding out about Travis, Bowie and Crocket. To this day we dont know much about those 3 brave men who fought and died for Texas and ultimately the United States.
  • History is better than fiction

    By vampiredarkavenger
    Of course it is not 100% perfect, then it would be a documentary. My mom gave me the tape when I was little, it has since been worn out. These men were my heroes growing up, they are my heroes now. The movie may not have all the facts perfect, but it perfectly conveys WHY 187 men would choose to stay and defend the old mission for the republic of Texas.
  • John Wayne Attempts To Be His Mentor

    By Leaf of Grass
    Wayne obviously was trying to be as great director as his mentor, John Ford. He learned nothing being directed by Ford. Wayne consistently gives overblown sermons on the most iomple-minded, hoary patriotism where the right images could have done it far better. Ford would have cut all this over-blown yammering to very few words and tell the story through memorable visuals. He also would have let you know that what you are watching is mostly a myth with scant facts. What happened at the Alamo is much more complex than this film's blow-hard "speechifying," as Wayne called it. Wayne's politics were very far right. And this and "The Green Berets" show the hollowness of his reasoning. What a great movie actor and genuinely decent guy he was, until it came to politics and war. How ironic is it that this man, who never served a minute in WW II, should make a phony movie such as "The Alamo?" Yeah the battle scenes are beautifully made (some of those were supposedly directed by Ford.) However, they are robbed of almost any meaning by the lousy script. It's worst than "Titanic," easily the worst screenplay to win an Oscar. This film is one of the biggest disasters in the history of film.

    By atomopix
    Talky, only if a sense of values and the earlist rustic stirrings of freedom is talky; long, only if history is boring. Spectacular, magnificent, and overtly, colorfully exciting -- I remember my dad loving this movie and it acrries over to my generation as well. Stylishly made and certainly a narrative of our times as if reflected in the past. It didnt need cheap tinting, colorwashing or bleach-bypass of the image to generate a feeling and believable excitement. The rough-hewn dialogue spoken by simple but brave characters always gets to me, rhythmic as rustic Shakespear. The images of a relentless army bent on slaughter are startling and awe inspiring, their brutal arrival at the Mission Fortress defended by no less than Davy Crockett and Colonel Travis is stirring, and the decisions that follow are both heartbreaking and chilling in their heroism. Much has been learned of John Fords involvement; in the end, there was not much contribution; the attribution of his 'aiding' John Wayne's awesome achievement is overwrought, amounting to the efforts of an ernest 2nd unit directors contributions. This is a wonderful achievement for star and director; On my list of favorites, John Wayne's The Alamo rates #2 below Ben Hur, but every time I give it a good viewing I feel like tossing it to the top of the heap.
  • Best Alamo movie made!!!!!

    By Aaubballkid
    Wow, what a great movie! I watched it in social studies for the first time! It is one of my favorites! I recommend it !
