The Flower of My Secret

The Flower of My Secret

By Pedro Almodóvar

  • Genre: Foreign
  • Release Date: 1996-03-08
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 45min
  • Director: Pedro Almodóvar
  • Production Company: El Deseo
  • Production Country: France, Spain
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 235 Ratings


"The Flower of My Secret" is the new film from Pedro Almodovar, Spanish director of such avant garde hits as "Women On the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown" and High Heels. Leo (Marisa Paredes) is a bestselling author of romantic fiction, but has been writing under a pseudonym name for years. Now in the middle of her life, Leo has reached a creative and emotional crisis. Tired of producing popular fiction when her heart yearns to write truly great literature, her very success has become a burden to her; unable to accept that her marriage to Paco (Imanol Arias) is rapidly disintegrating, Leo finds herself at a crossroads in her life. Even Leo's mother and sister can offer no consolation as they constantly bicker with one another. The one ray of hope in Leo's life comes from Angel (Juan Echanove), the editor of the newspaper El Pais, who offers her a job as a critic for a national arts supplement. Leo's first assignment brings her face to face with her alter-ego causing an examination of her true identity, her deepest motivations and, most importantly, the direction of her life after Paco.



  • A delight

    By CH&FM
    This little masterpiece is not perhaps the most famous Almodovar movie, but it is such a delight to watch it. It is one of my favorite Almodovar movies. Marisa Paredes is superb, a pleasure to watch her on the screen. Overall, this is a movie no one should miss.
  • More Almodovar

    By suziballet
    I haven't seen an Almodovar movie that I haven't loved. Wish itunes could bring us more Almodovar.
  • Wonderful Almodovar!

    By janjamm
    He gets so much right. His understanding of the complexities of the relationship between humans is spot on. He gets the insecurities, the desire and betrayals right. In this unequal game of love and family, he shows us what is happening and makes us the better for it. I love the rich mis en scene he continually creates. Wherever it is, it is always true to his characters and reality. What a fine director. What wonderful movies. My query is WHY does iTunes carry only two of his films. What's up with that! He is such a great filmmaker! More please.
  • Two thumbs up

    By al17
    This movie is just wonderful. I've rented it and consider buying it because I feel I could watch it over and over. It gives you stuff to think about, it's full of symbolic meanings, images etc, and at the same it's pure fun to watch it. It's a bit like a fairy tale... I wish Almodovar would more often make a "comedy-romance" (if one wants to call it that). Only very rarey do I happen to watch such a good movie. Almost never.
