The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada

The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada

By Tommy Lee Jones

  • Genre: Western
  • Release Date: 2006-03-03
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 2h 1min
  • Director: Tommy Lee Jones
  • Production Company: EuropaCorp
  • Production Country: United States of America, France
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 592 Ratings


Oscar winner Tommy Lee Jones (Best Supporting Actor, The Fugitive, 1993) directs and stars in this poetic and striking modern-day Western. Peter Perkins (Jones) is a veteran cowboy who embodies the values of the old west, living in a small Texas town bordering the U.S. and Mexico. He hires Melquiades Estrada as a ranch hand and quickly befriends the man. But when Estrada is gunned down under mysterious circumstances, Perkins takes justice into his own hands and kidnaps a trigger-happy border patrolman (Barry Pepper - Saving Private Ryan), forcing Perkins to unearth Estrada's body and accompany Perkins on horseback on the long and treacherous journey through the frontier mountains and back roads of Mexico to bring his friend's body home.



  • It's worth a look.

    By mustangracer
    Good acting by a some well known actors and not so well known. Regardless, it's worth the couple of $ to rent it.
  • I thirst for movies like this

    By Wilbur II
    Pure story with no explosions except for the ones that go off in your head. Thank you
  • ehh

    By 1qazxsw2kuyrxy5ei78tlkj.n
    just all around a bad movie.
  • Worthy of Attention

    By 5th Generation Texan
    Not a single false note in this movie. Great cinematography, subtle acting, eternal themes. Even in the familiar soft rhythms of West Texas idiom, the cross-cultural verities shine through. Movie Xone, a previous reviewer, reveals more about himself than the movie. The movie moves as its own pace. If the viewer will allow the movie to set the agenda and carry him along with its subtle nuances, he will actually learn something about himself. I have watched the movie four times, and I see something new every time.
  • A work of great literature, theater, and film. A Masterpiece.

    By schmuie
    Tommy Lee Jones is one of the leading artists of this generation. He and Guillermo Arriaga have created a work of great film and literature. This is not for Mr. Short Attention Span. It is moving, heartbreaking story of Friendship, Justice and emptyiness. Don't miss the role of the TV sets; one of the most important characters in the film. If you can't understand the meaning of expertly placed silences, or if you are a lover of action movies; don't bother you will be bored.
  • Bad

    By Movie Xone
    If you liked No Country For Old Men, you'll probably love this movie. I found it had a weak plot, was slow paced, and had average acting at best. If you like watching paint dry, this ones for you.
  • Incredible Film

    By Droopy'sFlyingAceOfSpades
    I never thought of Tommy Lee Jones being the script-writing type, but he certainly proved me wrong here! This movie is incredibly moving in a simple way. Every scene is beautiful. I would highly suggest getting this movie. At the very least rent it.
  • Unnerving But Engaging Western

    By HonkyTonkGirl
    Great acting by everyone in this thought-provoking drama set out west. Interesting plot and characters, full of mystery and transformation. May be a little graphic for some, but overall worth the gore. In the end there are no easy answers, but perhaps growth by the characters and the audience. This is one of my favorite movies, in part because it features Dwight Yoakam, a fine actor who is afraid of no part. It took some guts and humor on his part for one particular scene in here, LOL. Great job everyone!!
