Lost In Translation

Lost In Translation

By Unknown

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2003-09-12
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 41min
  • Director: Unknown
  • Production Company: American Zoetrope
  • Production Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 7,449 Ratings


Bob Harris (Bill Murray) and Charlotte (Scarlett Johansson) are two Americans in Tokyo. Bob is a movie star in town to shoot a whiskey commercial, while Charlotte is a young woman tagging along with her workaholic photographer husband (Giovanni Ribisi). Unable to sleep, Bob and Charlotte cross paths one night in the luxury hotel bar. This chance meeting soon becomes a surprising friendship. Charlotte and Bob venture through Tokyo, having often hilarious encounters with its citizens, and ultimately discover a new belief in life's possibilities.



  • Lost in Translation

    By Lost in time or space
    Wesaw this at the movies years ago and still talk about what is the worst movie we have ever seen, all four of us say this movie. We walked out after 90 minutes of torture. I cannot belive how many people give this five stars, maybe because of the actors, they are great, but not there best movies.
  • Peaceful & Quiet

    By BrokenCylon
    Saw this on cable one night while flipping through channels & just fell in love w/it, there’s just something about it that I can’t explain, it’s a really peaceful & quiet film, I watch it every time I see it playing...
  • A Modern Classic

    By michaelrtx
    This film is by far one of the greatest of the 21st Century. It is beautifully shot, the script is sincere, and it features career performances by Murray and Johansson. A must see.
  • Movie for all times

    By LyalyaSt
    Even after 15 years it's still the best movie out there! Scarlett Johansson is amazing, BM is too Every time I rewatching it I fell in love with it
  • No in between it seems

    By b3n03vil
    Either you love this movie or you don’t. There’s nothing about this movie that is compelling. Nothing that is relatable or likable. It’s rather cringeworthy. People talk it up like it’s Citizen Kane, have you ever tried to watch it? Yeah, it’s so long and seems to go nowhere. It’s like eating angel food cake because it’s "cake". This movie is slow. Watch it so you can get your snooty friends off your back, or so you can lie to yourself and say it’s amazing. (Pssssttt. It’s not.) By the way, I always thought this movie was about a father reconnecting with his teenage daughter. Apparently it’s about a really old man and a really young woman and their romantic tension. Cher Horowitz said it best, "As if!"
  • Not sure what all the hype is about

    By Aerok73
    This is just not a good movie. It’s slow, and the end where he whispers in her ear something the audience isn’t supposed to hear is stupid. All it means to me is that the writer couldn’t think of anything meaningful to say. So they leave it up to the audience.
  • Simply love this movie

    By John Rodz
    Definitely, this is one of my favorites movies. I've seen it about 10 times and I think that I'll see it 20 more the rest of my life. I think the simplicity of it is perhaps what makes it so interesting.
  • Best movie ever made.

    By Finn Webb
    This movie is nothing short of a masterpiece. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll feel things. The power of the acting and the realistic feel of the film makes it easy to relate to. Love it.
  • Most boring movie ever

    By ShalimarK
    I actually watched it all the way through, because so many people love it. However, there was nothing funny, interesting, touching, or whatever else anyone says about it. It was just a waste of time and I have found that to be true of everything Sofia Coppola does. I really want to like her. I really want to support women in the industry, which I always do when I see good work. This though is just droll and dumb.
  • I have watched at least ten times.

    By Zandarin
    One becomes part of it.
