Cinderella Man

Cinderella Man

By Unknown

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2005-06-03
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 2h 24min
  • Director: Unknown
  • Production Company: Universal Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 4.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 2,228 Ratings


Academy Award® winners Russell Crowe and Renee Zellweger star in this triumphant, powerfully inspiring true story. In a time when America needed a champion, an unlikely hero would arise, proving how hard a man would fight to win a second chance for his family and himself. Suddenly thrust into the national spotlight, boxer Jim Braddock would defy the odds against him and stun the world with one of the greatest comebacks in history. Driven by love for his family, he willed an impossible dream to come true.



  • This is one of the greatest movies ever

    By KbCheetah
    This movie is great, and terrific. I love this movie a lot. I like Russel Crow in any movie he's in. It is one of my all time favorite movies ever.
  • Exceptional

    By Alaska90
    This most influential film is a beauty to experience. While it keeps the audience on their toes, it gives us a sense of compassion for the struggles in the Great Depression, as well as the struggles we currently face. The main moral... Hope.
  • Amazing!

    By Chuck812
    Absolutely outstanding film! of the very best I've seen and it fact, not fiction....can't go wrong with this one. I own it now...
  • Insult to a decent man

    By Fletch F. Fletch
    Once again Howard and company have taken a compelling true story and then distorted the truth in mammoth proportions. Max Baer is portrayed as an egotistical, heartless jerk who has no remorse for taking two men's lives in the ring. The reality is one of the deaths most likely had little to do with Baer, and he was deeply affected by the tragedies. He even put the dead fighter's kids through school and sat by the man's bedside. He was brash and a showman but hardly the boxing scum bag implied here. Wouldn't a story about two decent men on very different sides of life both fighting it out in the ring for different reasons have been a compelling enough story?
  • Awesome

    By xcross190
    Inspiring. We should be thankful for what we have and continue to always seek our dreams.
  • Great movie

    By relmz
    Sometimes the music seems a but much but it really is a great watch.
  • "Cinderella Man"

    First, Ron Howard created "A Beautiful Mind", which is one of the greatest films I've ever scene! Now, Howard and Crowe create another inspirational film!
  • Fantastic.

    By Vannah_Love95
    We were learning about the Great Depression in class and my teacher showed this movie because of what Braddock had to go through to provide for his family. This movie is incredible. Definitely in my top 10. Russel Crowe is also quite attractive!
  • !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    By markkfitx
    awesome movie
  • One of those movies that touches your heart

    This story is amazing and the fact that a person can bince back from being in the lowest of the low is very inspirational. It is a must watch that I have seen at least 10 times without getting tired of it.
