The soaring adventure of a 13-year-old girl and her estranged father who learn what family is all about when they adopt an orphaned flock of geese and teach them to fly! Starring Jeff Daniels, Anna Paquin and Dana Delaney.
By peanut20051577
This movie reminded me of my daughter she found 12 geese eggs and took them in and raised them sadly we only have two left she is hurting so bad she misses her little ones they would follow her around and she loved them and they loved her
Wonderful and Sweet
By Lily Hith Silme
Though being a sad movie to some extent, it is a wonderful story and I have loved it since the first time I saw it. I have since bought the DVD and digital version of it. A good movie for a family movie night.
Childhood favorite
By Cbstange
Absolutely the best!
Greatest movie ever!!!!!!
By Polly want a cracker?
Your movie is amazing! The funniest part is when the dad goes outside naked. Hahaha!
Fly Away Home
By Kitykity04
AMAZING. I WANT THE SOUNDTRACK TOO! Will you ever have the soundtrack?? I just recently watched this movie for the first time. I had to cry near the end. Love it totally, and will recommend this to other friends and family.
By 101pink101
This movie was so inspiring and heart-warming. This is a MUST WATCH! Warning, that in the beginning the movie is a real tear-jerker.
Fly Away Home
By ShawnZimmo
Wow! This was a truly amazing and inspiring story. The acting by people and animals alike was superb. I had the honor of meeting Bill Lishman, who inspired the movie and eventually changed the migration pattern of whooping cranes, an endangered species. This one is so good you will want to own it!