The Quick and the Dead

The Quick and the Dead

By Sam Raimi

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 1995-02-10
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 45min
  • Director: Sam Raimi
  • Production Company: TriStar Pictures
  • Production Country: Japan, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,763 Ratings


In this edgy and darkly humorous Western, a mysterious young woman rides into the lawless town of Redemption to settle an old score that has haunted her since she was a child. She becomes swept up in a deadly quick-draw tournament and, in order to win her revenge, must compete in a contest in which gun slingers from all over put their lives on the line for fame and fortune.



  • Holly Stereo ! Hear it in glorouse two speaker sound!

    By khoven
    Come On! If your going to sell a download in (HD) 'TriStar/JSB Productions." Why the hell, would you sell, in Stereo? Please, iTunerers do not buy, unless you still have a standard full screen T.V. from the 80’s. Wake up!
  • Had to Watch it Twice To Get It

    By nzjetstar1
    Remake of Once Upon a Time in the West with elements of Django, Shane, and 3:10 to Yuma. First time through I got too caught up in the shoot out emotions. Second time I watched it, I saw all the cleverly laid elements and how they played out. Classic Western with the touch of a feminine protagonist makes for a sensual spaghetti Western!
  • could I have gone on without reviewing this movie?

    By LaughingGodzilla
    This is a very underrated Western that I think kind of needs some recognition. The cast is stellar, consisting of Sharon Stone [she was great being tough as nails], Russell Crowe [who works perfectly in the Western genre], Gene Hackman [who's no stranger to Westerns], Leonardo DiCaprio [in one of his early roles], and Lance FREAKING Henrickson [sorry, I'm a fan]. The action for this film is great. The cinematography is also great....but then again what else should I expect from the director of the Evil Dead trilogy and the Spider-Man films? The story is also great.........I'm surprised that this film didn't get the recognition that it deserved when this movie came out. Overall, if you haven't seen this film.......check it'll thank me later.
  • Good

    By Tatt124
    A good movie to watch. Not the best western but it's definitely one to see. Leonardo and russell probably gave the best performances along with gene hackman. Leo's last scene was so sad
  • A Fairly Average Film with Memorable Performances

    By 84g8
    What is the point of The Quick and the Dead? Really, there isn't, just to entertain and to give a couple hours of fun. But, where this film succeeds and other popcorn type movies don't is the dynamic characters and acting. Gene Hackman is great in this kind of villian role and Sharon Stone gives a commendable effort. It is wonderful to see the two young faces of Russell Crowe and Leonardo DiCaprio. Russell is quite good in his role and Leonardo, although filling a somewhat small role, probably gives the most memorable performance out of the entire cast. Watch it for the acting!
  • A good western

    By ACYoung
    I own this movie. Isn't the greatest as far as westerns go, but it is good. Gene Hackman and Sharon Stone are wonderful. Not just them but a bunch of talented actors really bring this script to life. It will keep your heart racing and bring you action, romance, vengence and justice. A good movie.
  • Spaghetti-O Western Rocks!

    By rock'n_h_auctioneers
    I would have to classify this one as a well made american spaghetti western! Saluti! Addicted to gun powder burns, hand-rolled cigarettes and cheap whiskey!
  • Pretty Good

    By nintendude794
    I saw this on cable/satellite with my dad a while back, and we loved all the actors that happened to be in it, which really made the experience even more grand than just another western.
  • Good Western

    By Clarent00
    This is honestly one of those movies where you either love it or hate it. Quite frankly, I love it!!!
  • Really???

    By strummer99075
    This movie inspired me to write my first review! I have to disagree with the glowing reviews which my rental of this waste of three dollars stemmed from. I'd hoped that the caliber of actors would guarantee at least a decent film but this was not so. Sharons character (the main character i think, though it's hard to tell since you never really care about any of them the entire film) seemed like an emo version of clint eastwood. I wouldn't suggest that any fan of westerns should watch this. It bore more resemblance to yu-gi-oh than a real western. I'd like my money and two hours back. No offense meant, just dont understand how this is in the top 15 western rentals.
