Screen adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson's novel about a scientist who unleashes his own split personality - torn between good and evil.
An Oldie but Very Goody
By Head Maroon
Without a doubt, this version of Robert Louis Stevenson's novel is the most interesting and entertaining. Frederic March performs masterfully as Jeckyll and Hyde. His Hyde is the most evil and frightening. I especially enjoyed this film.
Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde
By Ricky C74
This movie is a classic and it's part of the best horror movies. It is in 101 Horror Movies You Must See Before You Die.
The Best
By Xtheoldman
This is, without a doubt, the best film version of J & H. Hyde's make-up origanally struck me as too over-the-top, even laughable, but the unrelenting sadism of this character, as portrayed by F. March, quickly dispells any humor one might find. A gem.
One of the best Universal Monster- wait! It's a paramount monster?
By LaughingGodzilla
Wow! To tell the truth, this movie was so good that I at times thought this was a Universal Monster movie. Check it out. Oh and apple, can you please upload Frankenstein meets the Wolfman. I know it has its share of mistakes, but hey! Who doesn't like monster crossovers?
Great movie!
By rob_wright
I wish they still made movies this good! The plot doesn't follow the RLS novel accurately, but the movie is well done nonetheless. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who likes older movies.
a classic story
By Chris Theodore
i agree that the inner battle between good and evil is not shown in movies enough
By el pistachio
i love how they did the "mirror" in the preview! X)