2010: The Year We Make Contact

2010: The Year We Make Contact

By Unknown

  • Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy
  • Release Date: 1985-02-22
  • Advisory Rating: PG
  • Runtime: 1h 56min
  • Director: Unknown
  • Production Company: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 955 Ratings


The thrilling sequel to Stanley Kubrick's sci-fi masterpiece, "2001: A Space Odyssey," stars Academy Award-nominee Roy Scheider ("Jaws," "All That Jazz") as an American astronaut sent on a joint U.S.-Soviet space mission to Jupiter in an effort to find out what happened to the missing crew of the original Jupiter mission. Co-starring Oscar-nominees Helen Mirren (TV's "Prime Suspect," "The Madness of King George") and Emmy-winner John Lithgow ("Terms of Endearment", TV's "Third Rock from the Sun").



  • Amazing

    By Faith alone in Christ alone
    Favorite movie needs a 4K upgrade!!
  • 2323

    By Chavez1213
  • Green Monolith?

    By Fahrenheit533
    I liked this movie when it came out. It seemed a decent sequel to the original Kubrick classic. This Hd version doesn’t look very good. The monolith they encounter near Jupiter is green! The special effects in 2001 look better even though that movie was released in 1969.
  • Beautiful.

    By Zainatron
    Such a beautiful movie.
  • Direstor or Cast not up to the challenge

    By Whippet Wrangler
    I truely liked this movie, but, what happened to Roy Scheider, never seen him perform like he was broken, waiting for the director to cue him to start. John Lithgow and Helen MIrren provided stellar performances and should have bene recognized as future super stars. This SD downloaded version has very poor definition, it looked as though you were watching a poor VHS play on an older low definition tube TV. Still liked the story which was a fairly good effort to wrap up Kubrick's first mystery of 2001.
  • Great movie

    By Bhost1
    Truly one of the best movies of all time!
  • Just watch it

    By iBigChill
    Ok, I like good cinema. I’m a film junkie. I always avoided this one, but I just rented it and I have to admit that it’s a good watch. The Cold War crap is crap, other than that it is a fine film to watch. It isn’t Kubrick on the visual end, but it also isn’t Kubrick (thankfully) on the story telling end. I guess there are three books in this series, and it kind of makes me wish the third book would get made into a movie.
  • i wish i could unseen it

    By dH2k
    when i was 15 years old i couldn’t understand the original 2001 and i found it boring. as an adult, i think the original 2001 kubrick movie is a timeless masterpiece, an amazing piece of art. because i recently watched the original 2001 i made the mistake to watch 2010 too. it’s horrendous, childish, commercialized. the constant narrative spoils the whole experience, it threats the viewers not as enlightened beings (like 2001) but more as dumb consumers. takes out the fun, this sequel should never be made. if you like the original 2001 do a favor for yourself and just don’t even think about to watch this one.
  • Inferior, like most sequels...

    By nocrickets
    …in almost every way to the original. No surprise there -- 2001 is one of the best movies of the 20th century. I love when people say don't compare it to the original. It BEGS you to. But even if this wasn't a sequel it wouldn't be good. The pedestrian, workaday script dumbs things down for the multiplex, including an egregious voice-over that spoon-feeds every plot point so the least intelligent audience members can keep up. Half the movie is spent coming up with lackluster explanations for the mysterious goings-on in the first movie. The other half is Cold War nonsense that was already dated when the movie came out in 1984. Director/writer Hyams is no Kubrick. He's a plodder who specializes in hack, derivative sci-fi and horror flicks -- basically B movies (Outland, Timecop, End of Days, A Sound of Thunder, etc). This is probably his best picture, but that's not saying a lot. Even though it was made more than 15 years after the first, the art direction and effects are inferior, neither as handsome nor as convincing nor as scientifically accurate. (Repeat after me: In the vacuum of space there is NO SOUND.) About all it has going for it is a decent cast who try hard to lift it out of its mediocrity, but there was only so much they could do. This is not the worst sci-fi movie ever made, but it's far, far from the best, or even good.
  • oh yea its a good movie

    By BoAambers
    the movies a nice film looking at it from a family perspective, but kids dont really want to sit through it now. aside from that its pretty funny. now its 2012! haha i cant wait for 2013 and look back and say " yup, the world was spose to end that day "
