Can't Hardly Wait

Can't Hardly Wait

By Deborah Kaplan & Harry Elfont

  • Genre: Romance
  • Release Date: 1998-06-12
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 40min
  • Director: Deborah Kaplan & Harry Elfont
  • Production Company: Columbia Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 532 Ratings


It's graduation day at Huntington Hills High-- a time for Pomp and Circumstance, tassels and mortarboards, and serious introspection about the future. But tonight, the seniors will leave all that behind for the things that really matter; romance, revenge and rock 'n' roll. Ethan Embry, Charlie Korsmo, Lauren Ambrose, Peter Facinelli, Seth Green and Jennifer Love Hewitt star in one raucous comedy about the ultimate teen party, a once-in-a-lifetime alternate universe where class nerds become class studs, super-jocks are humiliated, and freshman crushes blossom into grown-up romance. From prom queen to bimbo, meathead to misfit, everyone will be there for a hormone-charged bash tapped for out-of-control fun. BONUS! Includes SMASH MOUTH'S Music Video for Can't Get Enough of You Baby.



  • This movie is a time capsule of late 90’s awesomeness

    By DarkKnighReviews
    This movie falls into the category of a great teen comedy. Same caliber as the breakfast club, 16 candles, weird science, & house party. All right this is it. It is finally time for Kenny Fisher to become... da man.
  • We need more movies like this!

    By The Doctor and Amy Pond
    This movie is just amazing. Makes you feel young again and made me think of high school. It has a unbelievable cast that now a days we see as big stars. They also do a terrific job at fitting the roles. This movie just not get enough credit for being a 90s movie. I wish I could give a higher rating.
  • Something like this happen to me

    By Jessica 617
    This movie is a rippin' riot! The one character that i think makes the movie is Kenny Fisher. Seth Green is Awesome and i love the fact that he tries to back black and he is a ginger. But also there's a romantic side of him too; something you normally never see him portray. Overall, this movie has everything. Comedy, romance, some action, and everything else in between. i hope you enjoy this movie as much as i did when i first saw it.
  • Love it!

    By Dark Mari
    I grew up on this movie. Love LOVE Seth in this one. BIG fan of him. So nice to see that it's offered here!
  • Awesome

    By ashlynbailey
    This movie is just perfect! Love the actors!!
  • Cute movie for those wanting to reminisce high school dating...

    By Awe Heal
    need I say more? I must admit that the lead female did a great job in this drama, in that, she did not become all emo or revenge seeking about the breakup. Commendable performance.
  • Great Party Movie

    By RosesRRed96
    The whole movie takes place during a party that is best described as a hootenanny. Great jokes, great actors/actresses, and ya gotta love how they throw a Barry Manilow song in there. My friends and I love this movie, and you can never watch it too many times. 5 stars all the way : D
  • Awesome Movie

    By Jessimaca83193
    I watched this movie today for the first time, I just thought it would be just some stupid teen movie with lots of drinking, partying and sex. I later found out that this movie means alot if you really take all of it in. This movie makes you realize what your future might be if you keep living the same life you are and how difficult it might be. Also this movie was great because of the actors. William, if you didnt know this, was Robin William's son in the film "Hook". Preston played Bobby Ray in Sweet Home Alabama, Mike plays Carlise in the Twilight series. All of these actors have played in movies I grew up watching and I'm still watching them today. These actors play such different roles and when comparing film to film, character to character, it amazing the difference. This movie is one of my all time favorites, I loved it and you will too.
  • The best classic

    By Sean avion
    I've loved this movie ever since I've seen it such a classic
  • A Pretty Good Movie!

    By John Folds-182
    I rented it at Family Video last night to see if it was worth $5. I thought it was a pretty funny movie, but the thing that brought it down was that you can only do so many things at a party, and better yet, a PG-13 party. Therefore, the film kind of lost some steam 1/2 way through, but that doesn't make it horrible. The film reminded me a lot of other '90s sex comedies, such as American Pie. And, I'll have to admit, I respect the film for staying PG-13. The whole cast is pretty good, but Seth Green is easily the best one here. Anyway, the film isn't worth $5, but it was nice to see it once. :) Rent it and see what you think.
