Year of the Dog

Year of the Dog

By Mike White

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2007-01-01
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 37min
  • Director: Mike White
  • Production Company: Black & White Productions
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 68 Ratings


Molly Shannon plays Peggy, a happy-go-lucky secretary who is a great friend, employee, and sister living alone with her beloved dog Pencil. But when Pencil unexpectedly dies, Peggy must find meaning in her life. John C. Reilly, Peter Sarsgaard, Regina King and Laura Dern turn in great comic performances as the significant people in Peggy's life who give her ill-fitting advice.



  • end is simplistic but has its moments

    By violetwrites
    I like the idea of taking up for animals and especially farm animals as they are abused from the minute to their birth to their death which is not very long considering cows have a lifespan of 15 to 20 years and pigs also. But the ending, where she is off on a bus - apparently part of some organization, kind of left me flat. So now this animals rights organization supports her and she works for them? Kind of unclear ending but the film has its moments and it does have some pretty funny parts too. It becomes a black comedy with so much sadness. It does have the effect of unsettling the viewer to think about the conditions of animals and their suffering and I appreciate that. Also the acting is good.
  • Really unexpected

    By Thomfred
    It is unfortunate that this is always categorized in the "comedy" genre. I think that most viewers expect a funny movie, and they get this, a really offbeat, really sad movie, thus the middling to bad reviews you read here. I was pleasantly surprised to find this really unusual movie - sad for sure, but some of the best work that Molly Shannon has done.
  • Starts off OK, then goes downhill, way downhill

    By klerty2
    There are some good actors in this film and it starts out OK, then it goes downhill by the end. It goes from being charming and quirky to depressing and nonsensical. They hint at some unusual background with the potential vet love interest (he references a cult in his background, we see some photos of him with various people, he says he is 'unable' to be in a relationship with anyone). Then we never learn anything more about it. He spends a good deal of time in the movie, but his character is never developed. Also, you start out rooting for Molly Shannon's character, but you end up being annoyed by her in the end when she goes off the deep end scaring her niece, destroying her sister in law's property, writing false checks, and attacking a neighbor with a knife. They should be ashamed at charging $14.99 for this movie - it's worth approximately .99 cents if nothing else were available.
  • This movie made me miserable

    By sushi junki
    This movie is sad and pathetic. Why it is in the comedy section is beyond comprehension. It is not "dark comedy". This isn't even the good kind of sad movie where you watch it and have a good cry. This is uncomfortable and depressing to watch. Save yourself and skip it.
  • this movie is problematic

    By staunchiest
    this movie has no point
  • Disapointment

    By dukesorg
    This was pretty bad, I liked the cast, but they didn't deliver. The writting was bad, and the story line dropped off. In fact, it didn't drop off because it never picked up.
  • Horrible

    By norma(:
    Don't waste your time or money.
  • Wonderful quarky film

    By Mike23
    Molly Shannon is truly a gifted actress, as evidenced in this dark comedy about a lonely dog-loving secretary who after losing her faithful pup, Pencil, questions the direction and very meaning of her life. A quiet little film that displays a woman's courage to find her inner self and go stead-fast in that direction. It also gives us reason as to why some people go beyond social norms, inwardly showing us the rationale of outwardly seeming crazy people. An entire cast of great performances.
  • I loved this film

    By ogdennash
    It has its weaknesses, but if you feel the least bit sad or lonely, it will be cathartic. Molly Shannon is wonderful in it.
  • Horrible!

    By xoxoChocoLocoxoxo
    This movie was terrible. My Grandma rented this movie to watch and definitely not a comedy. The only funny part was when she drove home with all those dogs. Do not watch this movie. This should have been called Year Of The Psycho.
