True Grit

True Grit

By Henry Hathaway

  • Genre: Classics
  • Release Date: 1969-06-11
  • Advisory Rating: G
  • Runtime: 2h 8min
  • Director: Henry Hathaway
  • Production Company: Paramount Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 5,322 Ratings


In 1970, John Wayne earned an Academy Award for his larger-than-life performance as the drunken, uncouth and totally fearless one-eyed U.S. Marshall, Rooster Cogburn. The cantankerous Rooster is hired by a headstrong young girl (Kim Darby) to find the man who murdered her father and fled with the family savings. When Cogburn's employer insists on accompanying the old gunfighter, sparks fly. And the situation goes from troubled to disastrous when the inexperienced Texas Ranger (Glen Campbell) joins the party. Laughter and tears punctuate the wild action in this extraordinary Western which features performances by Robert Duvall and Strother Martin.



  • True Grit

    By trollogre
    Little Sis made the movie.

    FRIDAY FEBRUARY 2 14 (2020)
  • My Fav. John Wayne Movie of all time!

    By Bobula
    I am a John Wayne fan. My father would kill me if I didn't say that. This is my absolute favorite of his movies. Chism is great and who shot liberty valence is too...but his one is the best. Story is awesome. Wayne is tough but also has a spot in his heart for the girl. This is a must see for those who even think they like John Wayne.
  • John Wayne

    By Luna Desienier
    I believe the world would be so much better if he was president
  • American Classic

    By mjohnson12798
    Best movie/book/remake ever!
  • Favorite movie of all

    By Smily22
    I love this movie it's my favorite one of John Wayne's movies
  • Karen Carpenter to play Mattie Ross???

    By redrick
    I picked one star because I have not seen this movie and I am not a fan of John Wayne. I wanted to let you all know that my being a Huge Carpenters' fan that Karen Carpenter did read for the part of Mattie Ross. Wayne just loved her and her voice so much that he wanted her for that role. Well she did a screen test and lost out to Darby. What a shame, it would be interesting how True Grit would have turned out if she won the role. Again I am not knocking this movie by one star it is just I have not seen it yet. The Carpenters' TV specials I have seen, I think Carpenter had a natural talent for acting believe it or not. Just thought I would share this trivia with you True Grit fans out there. Take care…...
  • True Grit

    By woodec
    All of the Duke's films are fantastic. Some reviewers say it is miscast or not filmed well, but they are judging the film by 2012 standards. In 1969 it took several years to film and edit. By tbe standards of 1969, it was one of the best films made. It is on my "favorite" list , along with "Old Yeller" and " Call of the wild". My family loves all of John Waynes movies. We dont have to rent them , our library is full.
  • Wayne

    By Sloppa appa
    John Wayne's best. If only he could've been in the remake.

    By Person of Few Words
    If you loved the re-make, you'll love this. Any fan of westerns or John Wayne has got to see this.
