

By Todd Field

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2022-10-07
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 2h 38min
  • Director: Todd Field
  • Production Company: Focus Features
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 4.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,312 Ratings


From director-writer-producer Todd Field comes TÁR, starring Cate Blanchett as the iconic musician, Lydia Tár. The film examines the changing nature of power, its impact and durability in our modern world.



  • Blanchett….a basic movie about the truly narcissistic.

    By mocki one
    I know where they were going but didn’t quite get there.The end of the movie was rushed though the masseuse scene was probably the most redeemable part of the last hour which is saying something.
  • Couldn’t continue

    By Karafsone
    Toooooooo long I was bored
  • Another Film Ruined by Hollywood Wokeism

    By Tmelt
    These days I find myself reviewing all trailers before purchasing a film, and for good reason. Hollywood can’t help exposing their woke agenda behind nearly every film these days, making it hard to find a film not including tacit acceptance of perverted behavior that Christians and others with morals find degrading and insulting. They scream at us if we even mentioned this but they feel its fine to offend us routinely. So I choose to screen out such films by watching the trailer. Occasionally one will sneak through but it usually does not take long to realize it belongs in the trash bin. If you lack any true religious faith or are just bankrupt of any morals you may love this film, but if you still hold truth in high regard then take a pass, they don’t deserve your money and support.
  • Awful

    By Vincent_Vega_junkie
    I recall a time when films were made to be both art and entertain. Silly me.
  • To all the 1-star reviews...

    By Bencarter9
    I never write reviews but this needs to be said...To all the 1-star reviews, Please...you're embarrassing yourselves.
  • best film of 2022 haters can stay mad

    By b0redtoseth
    idk if you get it you get it if you don’t you don’t and if you don’t i’m sorry for your loss i guess
  • Not enough to keep it interesting

    By chi.loyal
    Being realistic as a movie goer it’s just too long and they easily should’ve cut it by 30 minutes and could’ve given the same point at the end. Or at least added more plot to make it interesting. It’s not good or bad. It’s just plain boring. Cate blanchetts acting is great but it can’t even carry this movie
  • Cate is amazing. I’ll never watch this movie again.

    By Darkstar1010
    This movie is 45 minutes too long. It has several storylines that are meaningless and only add to the bloated run time. You have to watch the credits first which is pretentious and irritating in a 3 hour long movie. Cate Blanchett is in every scene and is amazing. I absolutely hated this film and will never watch it again.
  • Ughhhhhh

    By Iluvrizzoli
    Slow, boring and painful…. Cate Blanchett is phenomenal and deserves the accolades coming her way, but the movie itself is one of the worst I’ve seen in a long time….
  • Meh

    By Taramada
    NOT impressed.
