The Outsiders: Complete Novel

The Outsiders: Complete Novel

By Francis Ford Coppola

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2021-07-02
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 54min
  • Director: Francis Ford Coppola
  • Production Company: American Zoetrope
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,393 Ratings


In 1983, director Francis Ford Coppola struck a powerful chord with his adaptation of S.E. Hinton's classic coming-of-age story featuring young talents who would go on to become major stars. Two decades later, he revisited the epic with an added 22 minutes of footage that includes a beginning and ending more true to the book and a rousing rock 'n' roll soundtrack--The Outsiders: The Complete Novel. Early 1960s. Tulsa, Oklahoma. The city is divided between teenagers who have grown up with wealth and privilege and the rough-edged "greasers" from the wrong side of the tracks. The greasers yearn for the life they see on the other side of town, but the rich kids want to keep them in their places. Then, one greaser dares cross the line to talk, and to dream of more, with a girl from across the tracks . . . an action that can only lead to conflict on a hot, steamy night.



  • 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

    By amandax345
    Amazing!!! Such a great cast and story!
  • Excellent movie

    By Mojavegreen1
    Well worth watching!

    By Outsiders4life
    Ever since I watched the original movie that came out in 1983, I fell in love with “The Outsiders”, and I am overjoyed that Francis Ford Coppola released this extended version! This has been my favorite movie for a while, and will most likely remain as my favorite movie.
  • Almost perfect

    By Dvera94
    I enjoyed this version of the movie, but the only thing that kept it from being perfect was the added music to most of the scenes. It took away from the dramatic scenes in the movie.
  • Amazing Movie!!!

    By xenricrjejcudj
    This movie shares a lot of life lessons and the different aspects of life. I love this movie so much and highly recommend it! #Ponyboy4life❤️
  • Great movie

    By monicasoria
    This was introduced to me back in the 90’s and even then I thought it was a great movie. Definitely worth buying the story line is great
  • Hard To Find For Cheap

    By thejondaddy
    It’s an amazing directors cut that the dvds are worth like 2x the price sometimes and for $10 you won’t regret it the last time I tried finding this movie I couldn’t buy it but I think rent or not even that love this movie and it’s directors cut is not on any streaming services so probably worth an investment In yourself if you love the book and original movie
  • Definitely worth watching!

    By melissaofoz
    One of my all time FAVORITE movies as a child! Definitely worth watching the additional footage. I’m am so glad the added soundtrack was OMITTED from the original 1 hour, 33 minute version…….absolutely awful and distracting to the storyline. Didn’t need to be there so I’m glad in 1983 someone decided to omit it…….it may not have been the same beloved movie.
  • 4K or 1080p

    By ac76usa
    This is not really a review, more of a question, I see this movie is listed as 4K HDR but in the information part where it shows the file size the highest it list is 1080p HD. Which one is it?
  • Stop with the bait and switch WB!!

    By Jeff Edward
    Please stop it. I purchased this title and now it gets removed again only to be replaced with a “newer” version! The same happened with Willie Wonka and a Clockwork Orange!
