

By Valdimar Jóhannsson

  • Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy
  • Release Date: 2021-10-08
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 46min
  • Director: Valdimar Jóhannsson
  • Production Company: Silent Helicopter
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 4.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 62 Ratings


In the isolated depths of rural Iceland, a childless couple, Maria and Ingvar, make an alarming discovery one day in their sheep barn: a newborn unlike anything they've seen before. They decide to raise the girl, Ada, as their own, but sinister forces - including one very pissed-off ewe - seem determined to return Ada to the wilderness that birthed her. The masterful and terrifying debut feature from director Valdimar Jóhannsson, Lamb excavates primal fears - of parenting, loss, and the vast and merciless wild - in a dark and unnatural folktale for the ages.



  • No speech

    By LaraCroft_NYC
    Apparently there’re no spoken lines in this movie. 🤔
  • Nope... not me.

    By dsikkema
    Uh... OK. Not even going to go into the cliched perverted sheep herder inference of this concept.
  • What?

    By J Gov
    I dont know what to say but take your 7 bucks and burn it… At least you will get 5 seconds of light and warmth. This movie was like watching animal do math… Interesting to think about but leaves you with the feeling of why did i was more of my life.
  • No 4K option?

    By DemocratCat
    I actually like this movie a lot, but the one thing I cannot get over is how it’s only available in 1080p everywhere. It was a stunning movie to watch in the theaters, but on the smaller screen, I just cant get over how fuzzy everything looks. Additionally, this movie seems to suffer from color-banding issues as well. I can live with the color-banding, because I was watching on a cheap 4KTV anyway, but because of how much film grain is used in the movie, things start to look pretty bad in dramatic and contrast-heavy scenes. I hope a 4K version of the movie comes out at some point.
  • Well made but neither good nor bad.

    By MajesticLobster
    While this quiet film was marketed in the US as horror, it’s really more of a fable. Nothing much happens to exploit the premise, and any allegory the film makers intended is too subtle to grasp. It’s an odd and not entirely interesting movie that tries to say more than it does.
  • Lamb

    By ..jjjj.c
    Not worth watching.
  • Dope

    By nature23
    Friggin solid film
  • Boring

    By eterno7
    However there have been humans born with horns...kinda makes you wonder if we really know the origin of all humans.
  • Lamb is a well made film.

    By JohnnyJumpy
    Once one becomes comfortable with 'baby" the struggles and suffering of the various parents, partners and lovers in this film become much more engaging. Beautifully filmed, well acted. Im happy I own this film.
  • Lamb

    By wererabbit
    Off beat, no car chases, just an Icelandic folk tale. Great scenery limited dialogue and an unsetting ending. Not a comedy and probably will bore children.
