Wonder Park

Wonder Park

By Unknown

  • Genre: Kids & Family
  • Release Date: 2019-03-15
  • Advisory Rating: PG
  • Runtime: 1h 25min
  • Director: Unknown
  • Production Company: Nickelodeon Movies
  • Production Country: Spain, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 4.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 704 Ratings


Buckle up for an epic adventure where anything is possible! A young girl named June with a big imagination makes an incredible discovery – the amusement park of her dreams has come to life. Filled with the world’s wildest rides operated by fun-loving animals, the excitement never ends. But when trouble hits, June and her misfit team of furry friends begin an unforgettable journey to save the park. Action-packed and brimming with laughs, Wonder Park is a ride the whole family will love.



  • A very unfunny, dangerous and not so thrilling ride. Just another boring kiddie ride movie.

    By JamesBondfanatic94
    Wonder park in my opinion is one of, if not the weakest and worst animated film ever made. This film was an insult of theme parks that I love going to sometimes. And to me, this film feels gone to me. The plot was ridiculous, the emotional tone and comedic tone didn’t feel earned nor was it funny and emotional, and at the same time, the characters are dull, forgettable and full of extreme unfunny cringe. If you like this film, then great. Rating: 3/10.
  • Plot is terrible

    By Lovecatz🐱
    I thought there would be a lesson about how to get over loss or something, but it was just not there. We watched it. I guess it was a cute movie for a little kid, but as a child (I am 15 it hasn’t been that long) I still couldn’t imagine myself enjoying it. Overall it’s a movie for 5 and under. The plot was rushed. Don’t waste your money on it. It isn’t a movie for the whole family, but a movie for the little bitty kids who don’t need a good plot to enjoy the movie. (Trust me kids at least 9+ like to have a good plot to their movies.) *Spoiler* The mom had cancer, and at the end she was just suddenly all better and it ended. It was “too good to be true”. I think they would have been better off having her die and then showing the kid realize that she can still move on with her life. It didn’t have anything bad in it, but it just wasn’t good.
  • Very good movie

    By It's Just Brain
    Whatever type of parent (or even person) you are will probably affect how you like (or dislike) this movie. This movie addresses a situation in a way similar to Disney’s Up in the first 15 minutes (but no one dies). The rest of the movie then addresses anxiety and depression and finding the light through it all. The “dark” parts are the manifestation of the depression experienced by the main character. I personally don’t have any issues with any part of the movie. I have 4 boys (ages 9, 7, 5, and 3) and none of them cried or are scared of any part of the movie. There is a fair amount of humor (math humor) and creativity. So all in all I think it is a very well done movie
  • Splendiferios

    By katie cat 2000
    I don’t know how to write splendiferios but I think it was a 👍 movie definitely a must see😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 Hello this is me I typed this ⬆️ review two years ago and I will say that I have changed my opinion. This movie has terrible animation it’s too short and overall not very thought out. I would definitely now give it a 0/5 ⭐️. HOLD UP I was skimming through the reviews and this is off topic but did someone just say that how to train your dragon was stupid HOLD UP don’t make me swear, how to train your dragon is like best movie ever the first ones pretty good but if you have only seen the first one then wait till you see the second one third one ☝️ and then you can watch watch the series oh don’t get me started on the series there are 8 seasons and they are all amazing and there are shorts on how to train your dragon and there is also the homecoming oh my goodness yes yes yes. Watch it!!!!!
  • Love love love

    By Animalsman0087
    I love all the creative ideas the girl has
  • Trash

    By matrod😎😘🙂
    There was nothing special about it
  • Stupid

    By 🤓😝😜🤪😛😋
    So stupid.
  • An amusement park under a curse? Really?

    By annoyingorange823
    I saw this movie before Easter weekend and i did NOT like it. The animals and mascots of wonderland are REAL ANIMALS, and the people who go there are just holigrams. Seriously, at the theater, I saw 10 or more babies cry UNTIL THE END OF THE MOVIE, I had to exit the movie theater and tell everybody what a stupid and useless movie this is. That reminds me of the craziest dream I had. There’s a moron who STEPS. ON. TODDLERS!!! but we’re talking about stepping on babies, we’re talking about wonder barf/bark/fart. And my babysitter did NOT let me get P-corn. And the plot of this movie was boring. I did not see funny parts, and at the end of the movie, at the end credits, at the START of the end credits, one of the chimps danced stupidly. Don’t even watch it. It’ll give you nightmares. And this movie is NOT A CHILDREN’S MOVIE, ITS RATED PG-13. And the time before that, I saw some more stupid movies. Captain marvel, how to train your dragon, that’s all I could think of. Blame Nickelodeon for this crap, and why was there darkness? Why didn’t the people who go there find out? And wonderland isn’t even real. WHAT A WASTE OF TIME.
  • The dogs

    By aaaaassffgh
    What doing
  • 😆😆😆😆

    By Kaikaikaous
    It was totally wicked I loved it! It was kind a creepy though.
