One Wild Moment

One Wild Moment

By Jean-François Richet

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2018-09-10
  • Advisory Rating: NR
  • Runtime: 1h 45min
  • Director: Jean-François Richet
  • Production Company: La Petite Reine
  • Production Country: France
  • iTunes Price: USD 8.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,037 Ratings


Antoine and Laurent, old friends, spend their vacation in Corsica with their respective daughters: seventeen-year-old Louna and eighteen-year-old Marie. One evening at the beach, Louna seduces Laurent. Louna is in love, but for Laurent it was nothing more than a momentary distraction. Without revealing her lover's name, Louna confides in her father, who tries by any means to discover who his daughter's lover is. How long will the secret be able to be kept hidden?



  • Terrific Film!

    By K-2SO Disciple
    I really enjoyed the movie. Found myself feeling heartbroken for Louna, and sometimes Marie, too. It’s a comedy but still treats the subject matter seriously. There are consequences to be had and I love the way the film ends on Louna’s smile - leaves what happens next your imagination. All four actors had me engaged and all in with each of their characters. I would love to know where the story goes from here ...
  • Le Petit Review? Merci!

    By Busta Cup
    Bravoure performances from all 4 leads – 2 famous French actors and 2 unknown debutantes that entrance you all the way through this tragicomedy. It high society meets high tragedy, when a pristine bella donna seduces an older man who is the best friend of said bella donna’s father. It sounds like recycled material, but the acting makes it thoroughly entertaining. It has French flair, and a bit of over-acting by Clouzet, sometimes causing me to wonder if I should laugh or cry at his ranting and raving. But, put yourself in his shoes – how would you act? The young belle, Lann, is the perfect siren for this film; have mercy! She is a goddess and a great actress who emotes the pain of (inappropriate) adolescent love – her teenage crush will make you crush under the powerful feelings and words that Lann portrays. The subplots are overplayed; the main story is all that’s needed to keep you titillated.
