Three Identical Strangers

Three Identical Strangers

By Tim Wardle

  • Genre: Documentary
  • Release Date: 2018-06-29
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 36min
  • Director: Tim Wardle
  • Production Company: RAW
  • Production Country: United Kingdom
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 722 Ratings


Three Identical Strangers tells the astonishing true story of three men who make the chance discovery, at the age of 19, that they are identical triplets, separated at birth and adopted to different parents. The trio’s joyous reunion in 1980 catapults them to fame but it also sets in motion a chain of events that unearths an extraordinary and disturbing secret that goes far beyond their own lives – a secret that goes to very heart of all human behavior.



  • Excellent doc! Moving and amazing

    By Truffaut Fan
    This story is incredible and the filmmakers told it impeccably! Such an amazing, awesome and interesting doc. A must see
  • Fascinating documentary, but a little incomplete

    By Element59
    Having more than a passing interest in the Nature/Nurture debate, and particularly in the studies of separated twins, this film did a respectable job documenting the lives of these triplets. However, the documentary gave short shrift to the biological mother of the triplets and made no mention at all of their biological father. Apparently, the mother suffered from serious mental health problems, but little more about her is included. The triplets also suffered psychological problems as children, continuing into adulthood and little focus is given to the extent of their problems, suggesting instead that their problems really stemmed from "separation anxiety" caused by the covert study and leading to unusual stress and depression while running a business together. The film ultimately leaves the viewer with a conclusion that the determining factor in their troubled life outcomes was Nurture, despite including one woman who was involved with the covert scientific study saying exactly the opposite. Without knowing much at all about the life profiles of the triplets' biological parents, I sensed that the producers deliberately chose to focus the film on a "moral of the story" ending, steering it towards the more palatable and socially conventional belief that Nurture is the overwhelming factor in their life outcomes - along with understandably questioning the moral and ethical basis of this covert study. This angle makes for a more gripping and emotionally wrenching narrative. The idea of there being any limitations to one's "free will" because of Nature, with genes shaping and guiding much of who we become as adults, simply has too many difficult and morally uncomfortable implications for how we raise and educate children, and how we organize and govern a society. Regardless, this is a film well-worth watching.
  • Fascinating!

    By Sessha51
    I really enjoyed watching all of this movie. The pace of the information reveal I thought was on point. I could watch 10 more hours about this!
  • Interesting

    By Doeeyes00
    Very interesting docs series. Sad of what that agency did
  • Wow

    By fraeuleinbpunkt
    This was a touching and well made documentary. Highly recommended!
  • ***** GOBSMACKED! *****

    By paxton4evr
    What an incredible documentary! Well done. My heart goes out to these separated sibs.
  • I love the movie

    By Michael M. Bentley
    Well if I knew the ending I might didnt watch it. Everything comes from our parents the way we have been raised and from our genes. All I can say is life is fragile so do our brains.
  • Great film

    By nanaish77
    Deep and real
  • Unbelievable yet true

    By JewelDarlene
    The story of these three identical brothers who were separated at birth, and adopted out to different families, is a panoramic view of what happens when those in power and authority erase empathy from their dealings with those who are vulnerable and in their care, and choose to elevate the pursuit of scientific and experimental research about the feelings and well-being of their subjects. I would like to think that no internal review board today would approve or condone this kind of study.
  • Shocking and important movie

    By OCclark
    Entertaining and shocking
