

By Vicky Jenson & Andrew Adamson

  • Genre: Kids & Family
  • Release Date: 2001-05-16
  • Advisory Rating: PG
  • Runtime: 1h 30min
  • Director: Vicky Jenson & Andrew Adamson
  • Production Company: Pacific Data Images
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 17,476 Ratings


Once upon a time in a far away swamp, there lived an ornery ogre named Shrek whose precious solitude is suddenly shattered by an invasion of annoying fairy-tale characters. There are blind mice in his food, a big, bad wolf in his bed, three little homeless pigs and more, all banished from their kingdom by the evil Lord Farquaad.



  • Bring a new shrek

    By Yasmine48
    Best movie ever
  • good movie

    By pony chick23
    it's funny and hilarious best movie ever five stars
  • What the heck

    By yellowfox3,960
    This movie is weird, and I don’t really like, but some people might think it’s funny. Idk
  • I already own this movie

    By The Riddick
    I already own this movie on my Apple account, but Apple wants me to buy it again…. See you in court Apple. I’ve been telling you for 9 years I know about the secrets you keep from users. Now it’s time you pay up sucker. You’ll be hearing from my attorney very soon.. denying me that five dollar refund for a movie that I purchased twice because your system doesn’t recognize I already purchased the movie… that’s called fraud and false advertising. See you in court Apple!
  • Great

    By Charlie Strobel
    It’s the best movie of all time

    By Hackany
    I love shrek, the best movie ever on dreamworks. Animation looks good, but in case of the dvd. How it work? frisbee ?/5 cutting the disc ?/5 destroying the cover ?/5 consultation 5/5 Shrek is the best movie ever in dreamworks than shrek 2, my favorite. overall: 5/5 Great movie
  • Aidenjamesring

    By aidenjamesring
  • No longer working

    By trailhead1
    I bought this a while ago. Downloaded it and it will no longer play. I have the other shrek movies and they play just fine. It wont play through Wi-Fi or while its downloaded.
  • I’m, making Waffles in the morning 🧇🧇🧇🧇🧇(By Ethan John Seymour)

    By by Ethan John Seymour
    (Come on yo then I saw her face ha ha now I’m a believer not a trace a down in my mind I’m in LOVE I’m a believer her I could believe her if I try) My Bestest characters of the Shrek is Donkey because I loved that Shrek, DONKEY Cracks me up every time😎, and Donkey and Dragon hugged and Snuggled each other 😍❤️😎😎😍😍🧇🧇🧇🧈🧈ITS DONKEY TIME, Which remind me I might be a architect and build a Awesome Shrek Playground Adventure! It Might be Fun! Until I was 3 years old! Most awesome and Familyest movie ever ! Know one can beat the funniest movie in the world of Love and laughter (I am going to keep watching it over over and over until I turn old.
  • NOT for 7 and below.

    My mom didn’t let me see this movie when I was young. So I didn’t. I did not care to see it but the all star Shrek memes were irritating me. So when I was 12, I watched it. And I honestly see why I could not see it. Lots of adult jokes. They mention stuff about drinking and they also mention a few sex jokes 🙄. I have not seen the whole thing yet but I know there are lots of adult jokes that will fly over the head. I think mature children who are 8 and up can watch this. If they aren’t mature and will obsess over these jokes, you should probably keep them away from this movie until they are all grown up- mentally.
