

By John Wells

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2015-10-30
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 40min
  • Director: John Wells
  • Production Company: 3 Arts Entertainment
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 4.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 3,392 Ratings


Oscar®-nominee Bradley Cooper stars as renowned rockstar chef Adam Jones, the owner of a two-star Michelin restaurant who has a bad attitude and even worse habits to match. When his arrogance destroys his successful career, Jones uncovers a new resolve and is now  determined to rebuild his life and achieve one of the most elusive culinary distinctions: a third Michelin Star. To shut down his dissenters Jones assembles a new crew, including the beautiful Helene (Sienna Miller), to help him battle the odds and launch a new top restaurant. Oscar®-winner Emma Thompson, Oscar®-nominee Uma Thurman, Omar Sy, Daniel Brühl, Matthew Rhys, and Alicia Vikander costar in this remarkably funny and emotional comedy about the love of food, the love between two people, and the power of second chances.



  • Powerhouse performance by Bradley Cooper

    By ordinary reviewer
    Bradley cooper does a great job as the perfectionist Chef “Adam Jones”. The story moved me so much, it was about redemption, ideals we make for ourselves, burdens we shouldn’t carry alone and our past mistakes getting back at us. It’s not a 100 percent without any mistakes kinda movie, it has it’s own flaws but even the stories with the most amount of cliches have got their own pros... Give it a look, it’s not as bad as the critics say about it!
  • If you love to cook

    By RussianGirlSalt
    Great movie but plot okay not so great. If you have passion for food and cooking definitely love this movie otherwise good actors but plot so so okay
  • Burnt

    By Cc light
    Great movie
  • Audio latino

    By iCr013
    Deberían ponerle audio español y francés
  • Really good movie

    By Pushba
    I love the tv show Hells Kitchen. If you love that TV show then you will really enjoy this movie.
  • Boring :(

    By MariaLQS
    Main character was very arrogant and annoying. Story was very boring.
  • Good movie

    By AnonnonLauri
    I fell asleep the first few times I tried to watch this. This is a good movie.
  • Don't go by the Tomatoes Reviews

    By Divinchi24
    I am a NYC Chef, and I can assure you that this is a very on point movie, because this is how it really is in not only the kitchen, but in the life of a Chef all together. The screaming, the cut throats, the fighting, the women and yes, the drugs. The people leaving negative reviews especially the Rotton Tomato people were never Chefs and have no clue of what it is to be a Chef, so their review is based on so called story line, well here is a wake up call, this is more than a story line, its real life. The reviewers should have done research before giving it a low score... If you want a great movie that shows the true side to culinary then this one is it.... And I just have to make one more comment, to the person that said that this should be about the passion of the food, I am not sure what movie you watched, but this is about the assion of food, about a chef who was classically trained trying to jump into the so called "New" standards of cooking..... Some people have no sense of what they are watching.
  • One of my favorite "food passion" movies

    By JimVinNYC
    I'd put this right up there with "Babette's Feast" and "Ratatouille" (you heard right) as a wonderfully told and acted story about the relentless pursuit of creating food that transcends.
  • Surprisingly good on the second viewing

    By SgMint
    I saw this in the theater in October 2015, when I wondered where it came from and why I had not heard of it. An article a few months later about the Weinstein brother's financial troubles explained a hasty release, done without any proper marketing. Which is a shame as the film is surprisingly good, both well written and well-directed. Bradley Cooper is appropriately irritating as Adam Jones, Sienna Miller is almost gossamer as Helene. Lots of great small cameos. The director manages to take a fairly one note type of drama - a high-pressure high-stakes restaurant kitchen - and layer in some complexity. A very fun second viewing. Definitely recommend.
