

By F. Javier Gutiérrez

  • Genre: Horror
  • Release Date: 2017-02-03
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 42min
  • Director: F. Javier Gutiérrez
  • Production Company: Paramount Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 2,502 Ratings


Discover the terrifying new chapter in the groundbreaking Ring franchise. When a radical college professor (Johnny Galecki, “The Big Bang Theory”) uncovers the mysterious video rumored to kill viewers seven days after watching, he enlists his students in a dangerous experiment to unlock the secrets behind the Samara legend. When the deadly video goes viral, they must find a way to break the curse and defeat Samara before her evil is unleashed upon the world. But, how do you stop her when she’s everywhere?



  • Ummmm, Bad movie

    By Nicholas becerra
    Don't waste your money stupid teenagers because Rings is the very definition of stupid, dumb Hollywood trash the same time. Maybe it's because i thought the first Ring was scary and geniune and smart but the newest edition is lazy, poorly written and acted just dumb.
  • It was so gooodd!!!!

    By b00m3r karen
    I love the ring movies. It always has good twists to it that can lead back to the first movie
  • No

    By I'm Not Sarcastic
    Well the first part I wanna talk about is actors: Terrible! Missing Naomi Watts! Not the Beyonce impersonator. And the man (i forgot there names.) Are The worst actors I have seen in a while. Number 2: Terror And Scariness: Two words! Not scary. Last thing is. Final review: 1.0 out of 5 the worst film in a while!
  • I’m so freaking scared about that movie

    By Aniah Norwood It's a Boy
    I’m just so quiet so scared I’m just sitting there watching and holding my dads arm 😱🤐👻 🥺😖😭 who can make the scaryest movies
  • Yee!

    By an anynomus octoling
    Her scary design and actions are actually make quite the character I. Must say!
  • Why Hollywood? Why?

    By ScarletYeet
    I saw this movie in theaters and it was HORRIBLE. I think some Hollywood producers have lost their touch in making horror movies. For someone who gets scared easily by horror movies, I sat through it like😑. This movie is no where near scary and the acting was horrible. What a pathetic excuse for a horror movie. I bet if Stephen King made this movie I wouldn’t be able to sleep for a while.
  • A Huge Disappointment

    By wolfchild1290
    This was one of those films were pretty much every potentially scary moment was used in the trailer. The writing's a mess, the scares are lackluster, the acting doesn't help... just avoid this one.
  • Not scary but its an ok movie

    By manosdepiedra58
    It might not be scary but it sure was interesting knowing about samaras life
  • It’s reliable didn’t frighten me but..

    By gabrel89
    There’s lot of good acting sort of talking and plot twist at the end as well, so buy it or rent it:) 🙏 amazon prime it’s free there so watch it!
  • Samara is CREEPY! But awesome

    By announumous
    Omg! This is the scariest movie I’ve seen in years. My favorite parts are when they capture samara and lock her up in a lab room. And the part where her own mother pushed her down the well. She coming for us... All of us. BUY THIS MOVIE!!! Don’t listen to all the other people there just scared. But tbh you probably will if you watch this. Buy dis
