Saving Christmas

Saving Christmas

By Darren Doane

  • Genre: Holiday
  • Release Date: 2014-11-14
  • Advisory Rating: PG
  • Runtime: 1h 19min
  • Director: Darren Doane
  • Production Company: Provident Films
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 93 Ratings


Every year at Christmas time it seems the baby in the manger takes more and more of a backseat to retail sales, Santa Claus, and political correctness. With "Merry Christmas" being replaced by "Seasons Greetings" and court ordered removal of public nativity scenes, the fruit of Mary's womb is falling on hard times. In Kirk Cameron’s Saving Christmas, Kirk’s sister’s annual Christmas party is about to be ruined by Kirk’s brother-in-law Christian, who is chock full of no-fun Scroogery. Kirk realizes it’s his job to grab Christian by his seasonal sweater and show him Christ where Christ has always been: smack dab at the center of all the Christmas hoopla. Kirk Cameron’s Saving Christmas provides a biblical basis for our favorite time-honored traditions and celebrations, and the inspiration to stand strongly against a culture that wants to trivialize and eliminate the faith elements of this holy season.



  • Painful

    By LivingWatersDOTcom
    The only good scenes were the real Lord of the Rings style on the real history of “Santa.” Don’t get m wrong, I loved Kirk in the Left Behind movies and truly love his work with Living Waters / Way of The Master... but his acting with these hokey terrible “actors” like David Shannon (Fat Albert) and others... Augh terrible! Made me want to bleach my eyes. Ed Wood movies are better. I’ve never watched a movie where my mouth was wide open physically, in shock of what I was watching til I saw this and that “ending.” Ouch! Stick with
  • Yeah...

    By Icie3
    I’m sorry
  • Lol

    By TravisVerseYou
    Movie is garbage. Some of you people are just delusional.
  • Good Movie

    By Cman1125
    Christmas from a different perspective
  • Horrible

    By Texasnicoli
    People claim that only liberal atheists hate this, even though it's poorly made and many religious people hated this and the other Christian movies we get today. I would love to see a good one, but we don't get any. This movie was bizarre. Kirk Cameron tells these very weird stories about how Christmas traditions are connected to the Bible, which may seem interesting but it is so poorly made and the stories are so crazy, which were made up, you'll just laugh at how bad the movie is.
  • This can be good

    By OtakufromAZ
    If you want to have fun watching this movie, go on youtube and watch the Cinema Snob review it. Kirk, next time put some actual coco in that cup.
  • gR m8 I r8 8/8

    By AlexJP1909
    santa = satan Cotton didn't exist when Jesus was born so we celebrate Christmas Saint Nicholas is good because he kills rightful opposers of the church Trees=crosses Kirk Cameron is so good at persuading that he can pretend to be taking to someone else and still change someone's thoughts.
  • Neat ideas, poor presentational mode

    By Everbedlam
    Unfortunately, this movie is inestimably cheesy; and not in a great way (because it wants to be taken seriously), with characters that are very weak and unmoving. The information presented, however, is quite intriguing: two central Christmas images—the Christmas tree and Santa Claus—are expounded in light of their history and the scriptural stories to bring to light curious and powerful symbolism. Given the above, the information in this movie would be best presented in the form of an article, paper, or a presentation at a convention. Also, that mode would allow better source citation for historical data. So, in summary, this movie presents good information, but is quite corny and even cringe-worthy at times. I think the potential viewer interested in the response this movie is proposing would be best off finding a good article or two on the Christian (not pagan) symbolism of Santa and the seasonal evergreen. (Also, this is nowhere near a comedy; I don't think it was intended to be so.)
  • Outstanding review of Christmas

    By Dave Weide iTunes
    Great acting and family-friendly storyline...Truly this is probably a 4-star film, but I bumped it up to 5-stars to offset the horrible reviews from those who hate Christians who posted completely inaccurate reviews. Sadly there are quite a few ultra-liberal God-hating people out there who go out of their way to destroy anything that talks about Jesus or the Christmas holiday--sad, but a fulfillment of prophecy from Jesus. If you're a believer or a person who just wants a fresh perspective -- definitely see this movie--great fun for the Famiy!
  • WONDERFUL movie!

    By lisaw80631
    This is an absolutely WONDERFUL movie that everyone should see. It's so eye-opening and great, I learned things I never knew, even at 40 years old! Yes, I am a christian and I love Jesus. Everyone who loves Christ should watch this movie. Even those who don't know Christ should watch this, to learn about these important things about Christmas. To the hateful people posting hateful reviews, take your anger and go elsewhere! I love this movie!
