A comedy about Allie and Harper and their needlessly difficult journey to the beach.
By Roxycc763
This started out cute then quickly became drawn out adventure through ghetto to a bunch girls topless with disgusting boobs. That's the movie amateurs, low budget, & sucked.
By IsabellaSanchez
All the way from the content to the colors used this movie was a waste of my time, the kind you keep thinking i should just turn it off, but I don’t want to waste my purchase, ugh! then at the end you realize you lost more watching it and should have stopped at the first flag! BAD BAD BAD movie!
Could become a cult sleeper
By Tomysoup
Far from being a classic, Fort Tilden made an imperfect attempt to try something new. Female point-of-view, existential, fully in character, dead-pan humor. I enjoyed it without having to hear how great it was.
Unlikable characters, no redemption
By Lexyjae
The trailer claims it’s like Romy & Michelle. More accurately, it’s a knock-off of Broad City, except the characters are completely unlikable and have no redeeming moments or qualities. So buckle up for 2 hours of whining, cattiness, and borderline criminally awful behavior, without enough jokes that land.
By theater twak
this movie is so insulting to women even women who are clueless are smarter than these two. No two women would do as many ridiculous things as these two did. it was like this movie said women could not think of consequences to their actions. they went to college!!!!!!!! they must of had to think to get into Brown. it was a real insult. i tried to see the positive side of it but there was none. not worth the time to watch it even on a long plane ride.
By Moviefanetc
its pretty hilarious; its such a satirical depiction of millenials.
Not good
By Miadad
Started out great then went down hill fast. The previews showed all the good scenes.
Can't wait to actually watch it!
By JC200505
I haven't even seen it yet and it's already the best movie I've seen since Beaches!
By kidelo
Hopeless, helpless and hilarious.
Let’s go to the beach...
By matty03
Just as I was becoming truly annoyed by this movie, it turn an unexpected turn.
As these two cloyingly vacant and cruel losers find their way into The Flatbush area of NYC, things take a ever-so-slight twist. By the time they actually reaching the "general" area of destination it seems like they are becoming as tired of each other as I was of them.
I'm fairly certain that this was Sarah-Violet Bliss and Charles Rogers' intent.
The final third of the movie finally takes these self-entitled dim-wits full circle. It is doubtful that these two characters will ever come to terms with who and what they are, but they do get more than either knows how to deal.
Both Bridey Elliott and Clare McNulty give spot-on performances. McNulty is actually quite brilliant. Bliss/Rogers' owe what works about this movie largely to these two actors.